SEC-WaveBall SEC-WaveBall for Finishing
WBMF Type WBMF 1000 Type
Rake Angle Radial ー
Axial 0° 0.1 to 0.4mm
Steel Stainless Steel Cast Iron Non-Ferrous Metal Aluminum Exotic Alloy Hardened Steel
■ Body Dimensions (mm)
Cat. No. Stock Diameter Shank Max.DepthofCut Head Shank Length Total Length
■ General Features DC DMM APMX LH LS LU LF
WBMF 1100S D 10 16 9 30 70 17 100
A 3D profiling ballnose endmill series capable of 1100M D 10 16 9 35 95 17 130
finishing die molds and machine parts that is available 1100L D 10 16 9 50 130 17 180
in sizes from ø10 to ø30mm. WBMF 1120S D 12 16 10.5 40 70 19.5 110
1120M D 12 16 10.5 40 110 19.5 150
1120L D 12 16 10.5 60 140 19.5 200
WBMF 1160S D 16 20 12 50 80 25.5 130
1160M D 16 20 12 50 130 25.5 180
3-D Finish Profiling 1160L D 16 20 12 70 150 25.5 220
WBMF 1200S D 20 25 15 60 80 32 140
■ WBMF1000 Type (ø10 to ø30mm) 1200M D 20 25 15 60 140 32 200
1200L D 20 25 15 80 170 32 250
● Simple but precise clamping design. WBMF 1250S D 25 32 18.5 70 80 36 150
● Original large screw design. 1250M D 25 32 18.5 73 147 36 220
● Sharp cutting edge that produces good finishing. 1250L D 25 32 18.5 100 200 36 300
● Excellent wear resistance with Super ZX Coat. WBMF 1300S D 30 32 22.5 80 80 43 160
1300M D 30 32 22.5 85 155 43 240
● WBMF Assembly 1300L D 30 32 22.5 120 230 43 350
Inserts are not included.
■ Inserts P Steel M Stainless Steel K Cast Iron N Non-Ferrous Metal S Exotic Alloy H Hardened Steel
H High Precision Screw WBMF1000 DC±0.02
Milling Cutters Insert Guide Faces
Insert S APMX
Face Grade Coated Carbide
Milling High Speed/Light P
Shoulder Application General Purpose
Roughing Dimensions (mm)
■ Performance
High Feed ACZ120 Diameter Length Max.DepthofCut Thickness Corner Radius Applicable
Radius ● Insert Life