Overall Thread Shank Size of Length of length length dia. square square L ℓ Ds K ℓk NPT-CI (for blind hole) Spiral Fluted Taps Hand Taps for American Taper Pipe Threads for Cast Irons Specification (for through hole) Spiral Fluted Taps ■Suitable for hard and abrasive materials such as cast irons. E Nitride NPT 3/4 ~ Recommended Tapping Speed depending on Materials (for through hole) Spiral Pointed Taps Cast irons Ductile cast irons 〜5 〜5 (m/min) (m/min) For icon explanation, refer to P.50 TYPE:1 TYPE:2 Hand Taps Carbide Taps Cemented Segment:1G Size Class Code Chamfer L ℓ Projection Ds K ℓk No. of Type Roll Taps (inch) (inch) (inch) (inch) (inch) (inch) flutes For American Pipe Threads Y83201 0.437 0.328 1 NPT 1/8-27 ANSI G 3P 2.125 0.75 0.312 0.375 4 Y83202 0.312 0.234 2 NPT 1/4-18 ANSI G Y83203 3P 2.437 1.062 0.459 0.562 0.421 0.437 4 1 Simple Inspection Tools Pipe Taps NPT 3/8-18 ANSI G Y83204 3P 2.562 1.062 0.454 0.7 0.531 0.5 4 1 NPT 1/2-14 ANSI G Y83205 3P 3.125 1.375 0.579 0.687 0.515 0.625 4 2 NPT 3/4-14 ANSI G Y83206 3P 3.25 1.375 0.565 0.906 0.679 0.687 5 2 NPT 1-11.5 ANSI G Y83207 3P 3.75 1.75 0.678 1.125 0.843 0.812 5 2 NPT 1 1/4-11.5 ANSI G Y83208 3P 4 1.75 0.686 1.312 0.984 0.937 5 2 NPT 1 1/2-11.5 ANSI G Y83209 3P 4.25 1.75 0.699 1.5 1.125 1 7 2 NPT 2-11.5 ANSI G Y83210 3P 4.5 1.75 0.667 1.875 1.406 1.125 7 2 Thread Mills Dies Center Drills Centering Tools ANSI Pipe-6 307