PRoductAccording toDemandPRAD system Solution tool ? What is PRAD system ? Efficient use of limited resources PR PRoduct Product A According According D Demand Demand The PRAD system is YAMAWA's quick delivery production system for special taps by which we manufacture from our standard blanks. In addition, we can manufacture the products with optimal specifications to meet your specific application based on YAMAWA's products as well as your own products. ! Circumstances surrounding tool materials Ni Ni W Co V Mo Cr W Mo V Cr Mn Co Ni Mn Co MnVCr CoMnNi Mo Depletion of resources Main tool materials for YAMAWA taps use a lot of rare metals as the substrate. Today market price of rare metals has risen due to collapse of the balance between supply and demand. In the world, rare metals omnipresent. Political situation can make it more difficult for us to obtain these rare metals. So, it is quite important to assure stable supply and recycling technique. PRAD system is globally- friendly and stands on customer's eye. PRAD-0