FerrousNon-ferrous Flute Class   4 Alloy steel   5 Thermal refined stee(l 25~35HRC)   6 Thermal refined stee(l 35~45HRC)    C)   9 Stainless steel     Tool steel   ⓫ Cast steel   ⓬ Cast iron    ⓱ ase Explanation Bronze   ⓲ Wrought aluminum   ⓳ Aluminum alloy alloy   ㉔ Thermosetting plastic   ㉕ Thermoplastic of cat casting    resin  alogue Note 1: Product symbols shown incontents tap suitable for synchronize ℓc Productpage Tap selection Mainmaterial Symbol Code L Ds ℓc Productpage Page shown in line-upsdepending on products TMa2ps Note1For cast ironsCarbide⑫⑬⑯N-CT FCTCNR2.0E3HTP3403 3P ⑤ -8 TCNR2.0E1 1.5P ⑤ -8 3P ⑥TMa3p-s55 For aluminum ⑮⑯⑰⑱ AL+SP ASHPQ2.0E SP P2 42 3 2.5P ①-122 2.5P ① -21 ⑲⑳㉑ AL-SP 1.5P SY2.0EQLENA 1.5P ①-123 1.5P ①TMa4p-s39 ⑱⑲㉑ LA-HT TY2.0EQLEN5 HT P2 42 3 5P ④-102 2.5P ① -41 TY2.0EQLENA 1.5P ④-102 5P T③Ma5ps-95P④ -3 Carbide ⑲㉑ N-CT LA TCNR2.0E3A HT P3 40 3 3P ⑤ -1Classication of materials TCNR2.0E1A1.5P⑤ -1 1.5P T④Ma6ps-32.5P① -21① ①TMa8p--s2211 Thread forming taps ⑱⑲㉑ N+RS NRSP42.0EP RO G4 42 3 4P ⑥ -14for Kniondn-Cfehriproshuaspe after boring (drilling)materialsChip orNo.NRSP42.0EBExamples of materials2P⑥ -14⑫⑬NRCSPa5s2t.0iErPon, DucGt5ile cast iro4nP⑥ -14powder like⑧NRTSPh52e.0rEmB al refined steel 2(P50⑥〜-1643HRC) 5P MT③③1a0ps--99 ⑦ NRTSPh62e.0rEmP al refiGn6ed steel 4(4P 5⑥〜-1545HRC)⑥NRTSPh62e.0rEmB al refined steel 2(3P 5⑥〜-1445HRC) 5P ④ -3 Short chamfer1.5PMT④1a2ps-3For plastics⑲⑳㉑ MG-HT ⑤ TMGMQ2.0E1 HT P2 42 3 1P ④-110Thermal refined steel (25〜35HRC)㉔PL1TPLM2.0E3HTP44233P④-112 5P ④ -3 Thread forming taps 1234 OL③+RZ④⑩ OLRHZPig42h.0cEParbRoOn sGt4ee4l2, All3oy s4tPee⑥l, T-3o0ol steel 1.5MP1-MT④8a.5ps-3 for dry tapping 59⑲ ②⑪ OLRMZPe5d2.i0uEPm carbGo5n steel, Cast st⑥e-e3l0 2.5P ① -61 High performance 1234 HP+RZ⑨ HRSZPta42in.0lEeBss sRtOeeGl4 42 3 2P ⑥ -36 5PM9-M④T2a4p-s62 thread forming taps 59⑲Continuous ① HRLZPo5w2.0cEaBrbon sGte5 el ⑥ -36 1.5P ④ -62 Torqueless thread Short chamfer 1239⑲㉑ SC-TL-RZ SRZM42.0E1 RO G4 42 3 1P ⑥ -46 2.5MP25-M①T4a8p-s475P③ -31 forming taps Seamless C1on2tin9uous SURZ ㉒For deep hole use234⑬S-SP㉓ SUTRZit4a2n.0iEuBm RaOlloGy4 42 3 2P ⑥ -48SSNMiPc2k.e0El basSeP alPl1oy 4232.5P①-105 25.5PMP50-M①③T1a0p0--s638145FPPor tUhrne⑥③iTfaiaedpds--s2475 Nut taps 1234 S⑭-PO⑮⑰⑱ PSCMoQp2p.0Eer, BPrOassP,2Bro42nze3, W5roP ug③h-t69aluminumOversize234⑬ 1po2Cwhdi3pero4lrike 12 S⑯-SP⑲⑳㉑ SSMR2.0E SP Brass casting, P3 42 3 Aluminum 2.5P alloy ca①s-t1i0n5g, Magnesium alloy, Zinc alloy S-PO PSMR2.0E PO P3 42 3 5P ③-69 ㉔㉕ Thermosetting plastic, Thermoplastic resin NT NH22.0E HT Ⅱb 75 1.4 25P ⑦-25 2PFor 4P Whtiht⑥ ⑥wrTeoaardtphs--s227724FPPor oSTncrseeawwitpnhgre⑥ ⑥sm(aadcsShuinsMee--ds )22772P⑥ -27 Hardness of materials : Please refer to material composition table shown in technical data.Taps / M2 × 0.25StanFdlaurdte shape o23f taSpP s andSPcP2h.0Bip ejection SP P1 42 3 2.5P ①-21SP=PO=POSL=POP2.0B HT=PORO=5P③ -9SpiralSpiral1po2in3tHTLH spiralTNMP2.0SBt5raigHhTtP142 Fo3rmi5nPg④ -3 2.5FoPr Pipe t①hTreaadps-s71 TNMP2.0B1 1.5P ④ -3 5P ③ -48 Thread forming taps 12 N-RZ NRZM42.0BP RO G4 42 3 4P ⑥ -3 5FPpoirpeAmther④rTeicaaadpns-s69 for steels1.5P④ -69 NRZM42.0BB 2P ⑥ -3ChipejectionNRZMsBt5o2ro.r0ekBdePninchuiptGse5s4P⑥ -3 4FPor 2P MtinhiraTe⑥⑥tauadrpess--22 Thread forming taps ⑱⑲㉑ N-RS NRZM52.0BB No chi2pPs ⑥ -3NRSM42.0BPROG4t4h2rea3d for4mP in⑥g -15 4P ⑥ -2 for noConn-fteinruroouussmateriaclships NRSM42.0BB 2P ⑥ -15 2P ⑥ -2 NRSM52.0BP G5 4P ⑥ -15 4P ⑥ -2 NRSM52.0BB 2P ⑥ -15 2P Siz⑥es--244 5P ③ -72