Milling Inserts A.R. CBDPR.R. KDP DC CBDP KDPDCX DCSFMS DCB DCCB1 CBDP2 DCCB2 APMX LFDCCB3 APMXDCCB4 LF DCCB5 DCCB6 LF CBDPAPMX KDP CBDP KDPCBDP KDP KWW PCD1 PCD2 CBDP2CBDP2 Coolant hole APMXMax. revolution (min-1) LF APMXWeight (kg) LF Fig. 70° 70° 70° 70° Lead angle 45°/ 24°/ 20° MFK MFK-SF DCSFMS DCSFMS DCB DCB KWW KWW DCCB2 DC DC DCCB1 DCX DCCB1 DCX Fig. 1 Fig. 2 DCSFMS DCSFMS DCB DCB DCCB3KWW DCCB3 DCCB5KWW DC DCCB4 DCCB6 DCCB4 DC PCD1 DCX PCD1 DCX PCD2 DCCB1 DCCB1 Spare parts and applicable inserts (MFK) Fig. 3 Fig. 4 Spare parts Spare parts Toolholder dWeidmge eWnedsgeisocrenw s Wrench Mounting bolt Wedge Wedge screw Wrench Mounting bolt Description Applicable inserts Description Applicable inserts Availa-bility Dimension (mm) MFK 080R-11-8T-M HH12X35 MFK 080R-11-8T 100R-11D-1e0sTc-rMiption PNMG1106XNEN-GMHH16X40PNMG1106XNEN-GH 100R-11-10T HH16X40 PNMG1106XNEN-GMPNMG1106XNEN-GH 125R-11-12T-M R PNEG1106XNEN-GL 125R-11-12T PNEG1106XNEN-GL 160R-11-16T-M C09N W6X18N TT-15 PNEG1106XNER-W 160R-11-16T C09N W6X18N TT-15 PNEG1106XNER-W M 200R-11-20T-MMFK 250R-11-0248T0-MR-11-9T-M-SFN9 (3) - PNEA1106XNTN-T01020 200R-11-20T-78PP0NNEEGG1181100966XXNNTT7RR--6TT000150112557W2025103R-11-24T - PNEA1106XNTN-T0102024712.4PNEG1106XNTR-T00515PNEG1106XNTR-T01015W80002.21 1 315R-11-1280T0-MR-11-12T-M-SF N 12 (4) -6 100 109 96 32 26 31157R-11-28T 28 8 14.4 7000 3.49 1 MFK 080R-11-1102T5-MR-11-15T-M-SF100R-11-1146T0-MR-11-18T-M-SFNN15 (5)18 (6)HH12X35+H1H516X4012P5NMG1131046XN1E0N-0GM 4016P0NMG1161096XNEN-GHMFK 080R-11-10T55100R-11-1144T20 33 9HH1166X.440 PNMG1106XNEN-GM 6100 4.47 275666PN.7MG1106XNEN2-8GHNo53006.993 125R-11-2180T0-MR-11-24T-M-SF N 24 (8) -5 20P0NEG1210096XNEN-GL 125R-11-18T PNEG1106XNEN-GL 4700 9.89 3 160R-11-22T-M C09N W6X18N TT-15 PNEG1106XNE1R4-W2 160R-11-22T C09N W6X18N TT-15 PNEG1106XNER-W 200R-11-2285T0-MR-11-30T-M-SF MTO 30 (10) - 25P0NEA1215096XNTN-T0102600 110 200R-11-1288T 26 35 14 2- 5.7 10P1N.E6A1106XNTN3-T201020 4200 16.35 3 250R-11-3361T5-MR-11-39T-M-SF MTO 39 (13) 31P5NEG1312046XNT2R2-T000515PNEG1106XNTR-T01015W 250R-11-36T 22 32 PNEG117076.X8NTR-T00515 3700 28.14 4PNEG1106XNTR-T01015W Max. R3e1v5oRl-u11t-io44nT-:MDo not use the cutter at the maximum revolution or higher since the centrifugal fo3rc1e5Rm-1a1y-c4a4uTse inserts and parts to scatter even under no load. Numbers in parenthese ( ) are the number of adjustable cutting edge pockets. Please install wiper inserts in the adjustable cutting edge pockets. Spare parts (MFK-SF) Spare parts Description Wedge Wedgescrew Wrench Cartridge Cartridgeclamp screw Wrench Adjustment Mountingscrewbolt Applicable inserts MFK 080R-11-9T-M-SF HH12X35 PNMG1106XNEN-GM 100R-11-12T-M-SF HH16X40 PNMG1106XNEN-GH 125R-11-15T-M-SF PNEG1106XNEN-GL 160R-11-18T-M-SF C09N W6X18N TT-15 CR-MFK70R HH8X25 LW-6 AJ-519TR PNEG1106XNER-W 200R-11-24T-M-SF - PNEA1106XNTN-T01020 250R-11-30T-M-SF PNEG1106XNTR-T00515 315R-11-39T-M-SF PNEG1106XNTR-T01015W N : Standard item R : Right hand only L : Left hand only U : Check availability Recommended cutting conditions: M29 M28