DCONMS DCONWS BD BD2 GradeInsertExt. ToolholderInt. ToolholderThreadingGroovingMiniature toolMilling cutterEndmillDrilling toolTooling SystemUser's GuideIndex HSK A -T U N G M A X BIN A Power chuck holder with adjustable dynamic balance (HSK-A) LSCLSCN B LB LB2LF C Designation DCONMS DCONWS Range LF LB LB2 LSCN LSC BD BD2 HSKA63MAXIN20X95BIN (1) 63 20 6-20 95 69 17.5 56 66 51 61 HSKA63MAXIN32X113BIN (1) 63 32 6-32 113 87 24.9 70• Applicable for 10 MPa coolant(1) Chucks with taper size HSK A63 can be balanced by the balancing ring up to G2.5 at 20,000 min-1.856980Option: Wrench for TungMax colletD (2) Chucks with taper size HSK A100 can be balanced by the balancing ring up to G2.5 at 18,000 min-1. E F G H I J K L Reference pages M Straight collet Cooling tube Wrench K135 K156 K152, K157 Tungaloy K075