Alphanumeric Index Designation Product name Page Designation Product name Page HSKA□□HYDRO□□X... TungHydro hydraulic endmill holder K076, K077 JS□□K-TGL3 J-Series external grooving toolholder F088, G079 HSKA□□MAXIN□□X... TungMax endmill holder K074 JS□□K-TTL3 J-Series external toolholder E047, G091 HSKA□□MT□X... Morse taper holder K086 JS□□-SEL16 TungThread External threading toolholder E033, G088 HSKA□□ODP□□X... Modular system K088 JSCGCR/L□□□… J-Series external toolholder G041 HSKA□□SEM□□X... Shell mill holder K084 JSCL2CR□□□□X09B-CHP TungTurn-Jet toolholder with high pressure coolant nozzle G020 HSKA□□SEMC□□X... Combination holder for slot mill and shell mill K085 JSCL2CR□□□□X09-CHP TungTurn-Jet toolholder with high pressure coolant nozzle G020 HSKA□□SRK□□X... TungShrink Thermal shrinking holder K083 JSCL2CR… J-Series external toolholder G019 HSKA□□SRKIN□□X... TungShrink Thermal shrinking holder K080 JSCLCR/L… J-Series external toolholder C024, G021 HSKA100FM60X70 Face mill holder K085 JSCLCR□□□□□09-F15 J-Series stepped head toolholder G021 HSKA63ER□□X□□□BIN ER collet chuck holder K074 JSDFCR/L… J-Series external toolholder G043 HSKE□□ER□□X... ER collet chuck holder K070 JSDJ2CR/L… J-Series external toolholder G026 HSKE□□ODP□□X... Modular system K088 JSDJ2CR/L1212□□□-CHP TungTurn-Jet toolholder with high pressure coolant nozzle C048, G027 HSKE□□SEM□□X... Shell mill holder K083 JSDJ2CR□□□□X11-CHP TungTurn-Jet toolholder with high pressure coolant nozzle C048, G027 HSKE□□SRK□□X... TungShrink Thermal shrinking holder K082 JSDJ2XR/L□□□□□07-CHP TungTurn-Jet toolholder with high pressure coolant nozzle C040, G024 HSKFM□□ER□□X... ER collet chuck holder K073 JSDJ2XR/L… MiniForce-Turn external toolholder C039, G023 HSKFM□□SRKIN□□X... TungShrink Thermal shrinking holder K081 JSDJCR/L… J-Series external toolholder G028 1-9 HSKFM63SEM□□X... Shell mill holderHSRNR/L…External toolholder. H-type K084 JSDJCR□□□□X□□-F15 J-Series stepped head toolholder C050, G028C095JSDJXR/L…MiniForce-Turn external toolholderC039 H-TB Wrench / Driver L024 JSDJXR□□□□□07-F15 MiniForce-Turn stepped head toolholder G025 A-C H-TB2WH-TBS Wrench / DriverWrench / Driver L024 JSDN3CR… J-Series external toolholder G036L024JSDNCN…J-Series external toolholderG036 HW2.0/5RED Wrench / Driver L023 JSE2R□□□□□16-CHP TungTurn-Jet threading toolholder for high pressure coolant E032, G087 HWD07R□□□MM… Cutter head H221 JSEGR/L… J-Series external toolholder G050 D-F HXLN□□M□□□M… DoTwist-Ball cutter head H038 JSTACR/L… J-Series external toolholder C076, G039 HXLS02M□□□M… TungForce-Feed cutter head H022 JSTBR/L□□□… J-Series external toolholder G048 HXN03R□□□MM… DoFeed cutter head H028 JSTGR/L… J-Series external grooving toolholder G079, F088 G-I JSTTR/L□□□□□3 Screw-on external threading toolholder, for Swiss lathes E046, G091 I JSVABR/L… J-Series external toolholder G040 IND SHRINK IN UNIT EUR Induction heating unit for shrink tool chucking K144 JSVGR/L□□□□K-C J-Series external grooving toolholder F084, G083 J-L IND SHRINK START UNIT EUR Induction heating unit for shrink tool chucking K144 JSVGR/L1616K J-Series external grooving toolholder F084, G083 INDER11TOOLADAPTER Thermal shrinking collet K163 JSVJ2BR/L… J-Series external toolholder for high pressure coolant G034 IP-□□D Wrench / Driver L024 JSVJ2BR/L1212□□□-CHP TungTurn-Jet external toolholder for high pressure coolant C062, G034 M-O IP-20T Wrench / Driver L024 JSVJ2XR/L□□□□□09-CHP TungTurn-Jet external toolholder for high pressure coolant C057, G031 IP-6DB Wrench / Driver L024 JSVJ2XR/L… MiniForce-Turn external toolholder C056, G030 IP-6F Wrench / Driver L023 JSVJBR/L… J-Series external toolholder G035 P-R IT□□ DTS inner tube J144 JSVJBR□□□□□11-F15 J-Series stepped head toolholder G035 JSVJXR/L… MiniForce-Turn external toolholder C056 J JSVJXR□□□□X09-F15 MiniForce-Turn stepped head toolholder G032 S-U J10ER/L… J10E insert (edge preparation) B162, G050 JSVL2PR/L… J-Series external toolholder G022 J10ER/L□□□F J10E insert (shrap edge) B162, G050 JSVNBN… J-Series external toolholder G037 J740 PVD coated grade A004 JSVP2PR/L… J-Series external toolholder G038 V-X J9530 PVD coated cermet grade A005 JSWL2XR/L□□□□F04-CHP TungTurn-Jet external toolholder for high pressure coolant C032, G018 JBBR… TinyMiniTurn solid carbide bar G057 JSWL2XR□□□□X04-CHP TungTurn-Jet external toolholder for high pressure coolant C032, G018 JBBS□□□…C TinyMiniTurn sleeve for internal coolant supply G060 JSWL2XR/L… MiniForce-Turn external toolholder C031, G017 Y-Z JBBS… TinyMiniTurn sleeve for external coolant supply G060 JSWLXR/L… MiniForce-Turn external toolholder C031 JBCR… TinyMiniTurn solid carbide bar G056 JSWLXR□□□□□□04-F15 MiniForce-Turn stepped-head toolholder G018 JBFR/L… TinyMiniTurn solid carbide bar G059 JSXBR/L… J-Series external toolholder G052 JBGR/L… TinyMiniTurn solid carbide bar G058 JSXBR□□□□K… External threading toolholder E047, G052 JBIR… TinyMiniTurn solid carbide bar E048, G057 JSXGR/L□□□□K8 J-Series toolholder for front/back turning, external grooving F085, G082 JBPR… TinyMiniTurn solid carbide bar G056 JSXGR/L□□□□K8-C J-Series toolholder for front/back turning, external grooving F085, G082 JBRR… TinyMiniTurn solid carbide bar G059 JSXGR/L… J-Series external toolholder G043 JBSR… TinyMiniTurn solid carbide bar G059 JSXXR/L□□□□□09 DuoJustCut parting toolholder E043, G083 JBTR/L… TinyMiniTurn solid carbide bar G055 JSXXR/L□□□□□09-S DuoJustCut parting toolholder for subspindle G093 JBUR… TinyMiniTurn solid carbide bar G056 JSXXR/L□□□□F09B-S-CHP TungTurn-Jet parting toolholder for high pressure coolant for subspindle G095 JCCN200F… J-Series grooving insert F086 JSXXR/L□□□□F09-S-CHP TungTurn-Jet parting toolholder for high pressure coolant for subspindle G095 JCCR/L200F… J-Series grooving insert F086 JSXXR/L□□□□X09B-S-CHP TungTurn-Jet parting toolholder for high pressure coolant for subspindle G095 JCCWSR/L□□□□K2 J-Series external deep grooving and parting tolholder F086 JSXXR/L□□□□X09-CHP TungTurn-Jet parting toolholder for high pressure coolant E044, G094 JCGN200F J-Series grooving insert F087 JSXXR/L□□□□X09-S-CHP TungTurn-Jet parting toolholder for high pressure coolant for subspindle G095 JCGN200FR/L J-Series grooving insert F087 JSXXR/L1212F09-CHP TungTurn-Jet parting toolholder for high pressure coolant G094 JCGSSR/L... My-T Series external grooving and parting toolholder F058 JTBR/L… JTB insert (edge preparation) G049 JCGWSR/L□□□□K2 J-Series grooving and parting toolholder F087 JTBR/L□□□□F JTB insert (shrap edge) G049 JCP-... Clamp L015 JTCL2CR/L… J-Series toolholder C025, G020 JCP-3N Clamp L015 JTDJ2CR/L… J-Series toolholder C049, G026 JCTER/L□□□□□□T... TungCut external grooving and parting toolholder F014, G101 JTGR/L... J-Series JTG grooving insert (sharp edge) F090 JCTER/L□□□□X2T□□-CHP TungCut external grooving and parting toolholder for high pressure coolant F014, G102 JTGR/L□□□□F… J-Series JTG grooving insert (sharp edge) F090, G080 JDS-... Screw L006 JTTACR/L… J-Series toolholder C076, G039 JM10 PVD coated grade A004 JTTANR/L… J-Series toolholder C075, G047 JPDJ2XR/L… MiniForce-Turn external/profiling toolholder C040, G023 JTTLNR/L… J-Series toolholder C028, G045 JPVJ2XR/L… MiniForce-Turn external/profiling toolholder C057, G030 JTTR/L30□□F Threading insert, 60° thread angle (sharp edge) E012, G092 JPWL2XR/L… MiniForce-Turn external/facing toolholder C032, G017 JTTR/L3005F-55 Threading insert, 55° thread angle (sharp edge) E015, G092 JS□□□-SDUXL07 MiniForce-Turn external/profiling toolholder C129, G025 JVGR/L□□□F J-Series external grooving insert with hand F084, G083 JS□□□-SVUXL09 MiniForce-Turn external/profiling toolholder C130, G032 JXBR/L… JXB insert (edge preparation) B161, G053 JS□□□-SXXL09 DuoJust-Cut threading toolholder E044 JXBR/L□□□□F JXB insert (shrap edge) B161, G052 JS□□□□-SEL16 TungThread External threading toolholder for Swiss lathes G088 JXFR□□□□F Positive insert for front turning B160 JS□□□□-STCL18 TetraMini-Cut external grooving and threading toolholder F036, G065 JXGR/L□□□□FA… J-Series grooving insert F085, G082 JS□□□-SEL16 External threading toolholder for Swiss lathes E033 JXGR/L8200FN… J-Series grooving insert F085, G082 JS□□H-SEXPR... Boring bar, steel shank D034 JXPG□□R/L□□F... DuoJustCut insert G098 JS□□K-SDUCL… J-Series external toolholder G029 JXRR□□□□F Positive insert for reverse turning B161 JS□□K-TBL3 J-Series external toolholder G048 JXT□R6000F 60° angle threading insert E013, G090 M011