Spiral Fluted Taps (for blind hole)Spiral Fluted Taps(for through hole)Spiral Pointed Taps(for through hole)Hand TapsCementedCarbide TapsRoll TapsSpecial Thread TapsSimple Inspection ToolsPipe TapsThread MillsPremium Thread MillsDiesCenter DrillsCentering Tools JIS ③ Spiral Pointed Tap Series for through hole Overall Thread Thread + Neck Shank Shank Size of Length oflengthlengthlengthlengthdia.squaresquareLℓℓnℓsDsKℓk JIS ① LS-PO V Long Shank Spiral Pointed Taps, Coated ② Specification ■Long shank coated spiral fluted taps for tapping Coating threads in deep holes that cannot be reached with a standard overall length. ③ Recommended Tapping Speeds depending on Materials Low carbon steels Medium carbon steels High carbon steels Alloy steels 低炭素鋼 中炭素鋼 高炭素鋼 合金鋼 10〜20 10〜20 10〜20 10〜20 ④ (m/min) (m/min) (m/min) (m/min) TYPE:1 TYPE:2 ⑤ Segment:1E ⑥ Size Class Code Chamfer L(mm) ℓ(mm) ℓn(mm) ℓs(mm) Ds(mm) K(mm) ℓk(mm) No. offlutes TYPE MSRP For Metric Threads M3 × 0.5 P2 VPOFQ3.0GL10 5P 100 9 18 40 4 3.2 6 3 1 ¥5,130 M4 × 0.7 P2 VPOFQ4.0IL10 5P 100 11 21 40 5 4 7 3 1 ¥4,810 M5 × 0.8 P2 VPOFQ5.0KL10 5P 100 13 25 40 5.5 4.5 7 3 1 ¥4,500 ⑦ M6 × 1 P2 VPOFQ6.0ML10 5P 100 15 30 40 6 4.5 7 3 1 ¥4,090 M6 × 1 P2 VPOFQ6.0ML15 5P 150 15 30 40 6 4.5 7 3 1 ¥5,700 ※ M8 × 1.25 P3 VPOR8.0NL10 5P 100 19 - 50 6.2 5 8 3 2 ¥5,110 M8 × 1.25 P3 VPOR8.0NL15 5P 150 19 - 50 6.2 5 8 3 2 ¥7,060 ⑧ M10 × 1.5 P3 VPOR010OL15 5P 150 23 - 50 7 5.5 8 3 2 ¥8,190M10 × 1.25P3VPOR010NL155P15023-5075.5832¥8,190 ※ M12 × 1.75 P4 VPOS012PL15 5P 150 26 - 50 8.5 6.5 9 3 2 ¥10,300 M12 × 1.5 P3 VPOR012OL15 5P 150 26 - 50 8.5 6.5 9 3 2 ¥10,300 ※ M12 × 1.25 P4 VPOS012NL15 5P 150 26 - 50 8.5 6.5 9 3 2 ¥10,300 ※ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ JIS ③-57 ※ = Specified Distribution Items. Made to order products.