Flute Class Flute Class Symbol of flute design Spiral Straight Spiral point Left hand spiral Roll Symbol of size Symbol of flute design SP HT PO SL RO Note 1: Product symbols shown in red mean thetap suitable for synchronized feed tapping. Overall length Shank dia. Chamfer lengthLDsℓcDrill hole shape P: B: Tap selection MainmaterialSymbol Code L Ds ℓc Productpage Tap selection MainmaterialSymbol Code L Ds ℓc Productpage TMap2s Note 1 Note 1 Taps / 1/16-28 PT For low For PT threads 1⑪ LC-PTcarbon steelsFor PT threadsshort (lg) type1⑪LC-S-PT LCPT02K HT Ⅱ 55 8 2.5P ⑧ -30LCSPT02KHTⅡ5582.5P⑧ -31TMap3s Rc Standard(ISOstandard)Standard 234 Rc TH2RC01K HT Ⅱ 59 8 2.5P ⑧ -13Coating12349⑲㉑AUSP RcSJRC010FETSP9082.5P⑧ -8PTStandardFor PT234PTTH2T01K-8HTⅡ5582.5P⑧ -14threads123SP-PTSH2T01K-8SPⅡ5582.5P⑧ -21ForFor PT129SU-PTTU2T02KHTⅡ 55 8 2.5P ⑧ -32stainlessthreadssteels12349SU-SP-PTSYPT022GEXSPⅡ5582P⑧ -34For PT threads129SU-S-PTTUST02KHTⅡ5582.5P⑧ -33short (lg) type12349SU-SP-S-PTSYPT022GEXSSPⅡ5582P⑧ -35TMap4s For PT 234 PT-Xthreads short(lg) typeS-PT THX2T01K-8 HT Ⅱ 75 8 2.5P ⑧ -16TSPT01K-855⑧ -17For cast For PT threads ⑫⑬ FC-PTironsFor PT threadsshort (lg) type⑫⑬FC-S-PT FCPT02K HT Ⅱ 55 8 2.5P ⑧ -36FCSPT02KHTⅡ5582.5P⑧ -37TMap5s 123 SP-PT-X SHX2T01K-8 SP Ⅱ 75 8 2.5P ⑧ -23 Carbide For PT threads ⑫⑬⑯ CT-PT TCPT02K HT Ⅱ 55 8 2.5P ⑧ -38 Long shank For PT threads 234 LS-PTInterruptedFor PT threads19⑪INT-PT L10T01K-8 HT Ⅱ 100 8 2.5P ⑧ -19 For PT threadsshort (lg) type⑫⑬⑯CT-S-PTTINT01K-8SLⅡ5583P⑧ -26RpStandard(ISO standard)123Rp TCST02K HT Ⅱ 55 8 2.5P ⑧ -39TH2RP02KHTⅡ5983.5P⑧ -40TMap6s For PT threadsshort (lg) type19⑪INT-S-PT TIST01K-8 SL Ⅱ 55 8 3P ⑧ -27 Coating 12349⑲㉑ AUSP Rp SJRP020FET SP 90 8 2.5P ⑧ -10 For cast irons For PT threads ⑫⑬ FC-PT FCPT01K-8 HT Ⅱ 55 8 2.5P ⑧ -36 PS StandardFor PT threadsshort (lg) type⑫⑬FC-S-PTFCSPT01K-8HTⅡ5582.5P⑧ -37123PS TH2P02K HT Ⅱ 55 8 3.5P ⑧ -41TH2P02K11.5P⑧ -41TMap8s Rp Standard(ISO standard) 123 Rp TH2RP01K HT Ⅱ 59 8 3.5P ⑧ -40 SP-PS SH2P02K SP 2.5P ⑧ -45 PS Standard 123 PSGStandard(ISO standard)123G TH2P01K-8 HT Ⅱ 55 8 3.5P ⑧ -41TH2G01KHTⅡ5983.5P⑧ -49For left hand threads 123 PS LHLong shank123LS-PS TH2P02K--L HT Ⅱ 55 8 3.5P ⑧ -43L10P02KHTⅡ10083.5P⑧ -44TMap1s0 PF Standard 123 PF TH2F01K-8 HT Ⅱ 55 8 3.5P ⑧ -70 L15P02K 150 ⑧ -44 Taps / 1/8-28 L20P02K 200 ⑧ -44LS-SP-PSSH2P02KL10SP1002.5P⑧ -46TMap1s2 Rc Standard(ISOstandard)Standard 234 Rc TH2RC02K HT Ⅱ 59 8 2.5P ⑧ -13 SH2P02KL12 120 ⑧ -46 Coating 12349⑲㉑ AUSP Rc SJRC020FET SP 90 8 2.5P ⑧ -8 SH2P02KL15 150 ⑧ -46 TMap1s-M8.5 Long 1234 AUSP Rc SJRC020FETG SP 150 8 2.5P ⑧ -8 For cast irons ⑫⑬ FC-PS FCPS02K HT Ⅱ 55 8 3.5P ⑧ -47 9⑲㉑ SJRC020FETK 200 ⑧ -8 Carbide ⑫⑬⑯ CT-PS TCPS02K HT Ⅱ 55 8 3.5P ⑧ -48 PT Standard For PT threads 234 PT123SP-PT TH2T02K HT Ⅱ 55 8 2.5P ⑧ -14 G Standard(ISO standard) 123 G TH2G02K HT Ⅱ 59 8 3.5P ⑧ -49SH2T02KSPⅡ5582.5P⑧ -21Coating12349⑲㉑AUSP GSJG0020FETSPP39082.5P⑧ -12TMap9s-M24 For PT 234 PT-X THX2T02K HT Ⅱ 75 8 2.5P ⑧ -16 PF Standard 123 PF TH2F02K HT Ⅱ 55 8 3.5P ⑧ -70 threadsshort (lg) S-PT TSPT02K 55 ⑧ -17 TH2F02K1 1.5P ⑧ -70 TMap2s5-M48 type 123 SP-S-PT SSPT02K SP Ⅱ 55 8 2.5P ⑧ -22 SP-PF SH2F02K SP 2.5P ⑧ -74 SP-PT-X SHX2T02K 75 ⑧ -23For left handFor PT threads234PT LHTH2T02K--LHTⅡ5582.5P⑧ -15For left hand threads123PF LHLong shank123LS-PF TH2F02K--L HT Ⅱ 55 8 3.5P ⑧ -72L10F02KHTⅡ10083.5P⑧ -73TMap50s-M100 threads For PT threadsshort (lg) type234S-PT LH TSPT02K--L HT Ⅱ 55 8 2.5P ⑧ -18 L15F02K 150 ⑧ -73 Long For PT 234 LS-PT L10T02K HT Ⅱ 100 8 2.5P ⑧ -19shankthreadsL15T02K150⑧ -19 L20F02K 200 ⑧ -73LS-SP-PFSH2F02KL10SP1002.5P⑧ -75TtFahoprresUadnsified L20T02K 200 ⑧ -19 SH2F02KL12 120 ⑧ -75 123 LS-SP-PT SH2T02KL10 SP Ⅱ 100 8 2.5P ⑧ -24SH2T02KL12120⑧ -24For stainless 129 SU-PF SH2F02KL15 150 ⑧ -75TU2F02KHTⅡ5583.5P⑧ -76TFtahorpresWadhsitworth SH2T02KL15 150 ⑧ -24For PT234LS-S-PTTSPT02KL10HTⅡ10082.5P⑧ -20threadsshort (lg)TSPT02KL15150⑧ -20steelsFor cast ironsCarbide12349SU-SP-PF SYPF022GEX SP Ⅱ 59 8 2.5P ⑧ -77⑫⑬FC-PFFCPF02KHTⅡ5583.5P⑧ -78⑫⑬⑯CT-PFTCPF02KHTⅡ5583.5P⑧ -79ToFanorspSecwrsien(wg mtSharceMhaidns)esused type TSPT02KL20 200 ⑧ -20123LS-SP-S-PTSSPT02KL10SPⅡ10082.5P⑧ -25Taps / 1/4-19SSPT02KL12120⑧ -25RcStandard(ISOstandard)Standard234Rc TH2RC04- HT Ⅱ 67 11 2.5P ⑧ -13 TFaopr Psipe threads SSPT02KL15 150 ⑧ -25InterruptedFor PT threads19⑪INT-PTTINT02KSLⅡ5583P⑧ -26For PT threadsshort (lg) type19⑪INT-S-PTTIST02KSLⅡ5583P⑧ -27Coating12349⑲㉑AUSP RcSJRC040FETSP 100 11 2.5P ⑧ -8Long1234AUSP RcSJRC040FETGSP150112.5P⑧ -89⑲㉑SJRC040FETK200⑧ -8TpFaioppresAtmhreeraicdasn Long shank 19⑪ LS-INT-PT TINT02KL10 SL Ⅱ 100 8 3P ⑧ -28 PT Standard For PT 234 PTFor PTthreadsTINT02KL12120⑧ -28threads123SP-PTTINT02KL15150⑧ -28For PT234PT-XTH2T04-HT Ⅱ 62 11 2.5P ⑧ -14SH2T04-SPⅡ62112.5P⑧ -21TFtahoprresMadinsiatureTHX2T04-HTⅡ85112.5P⑧ -16 Long shank 19⑪ LS-INT-S-PT TIST02KL10 SL Ⅱ 100 8 3P ⑧ -29For PTthreads shortTIST02KL12120⑧ -29threadsshort (lg) S-PT TSPT04- 62 ⑧ -17type123SP-S-PTSSPT04-SPⅡ62112.5P⑧ -22 (lg) type TIST02KL15 150 ⑧ -29 SP-PT-X SHX2T04- 85 ⑧ -23 For improvement, spec may change without advance notice. Sizes-123