Product System Heat resistant alloysStainless steelsHeat resistant alloysStainless steels Heat resistant alloysStainless steelsHeat resistant alloysStainless steels New System table of taps for stainless steels, blind hole use slow Tapping speed fast 5m/min 10m/min 15m/min 20m/min 30m/min Workpiece Workpiece Materials Area of full rigid lead feed Materials Titanium ZET-B>>> ①-151 Titanium alloys alloys Nickel base ZEN-B>>> ①-159 Nickel base alloys alloys Tough stainlesssteels such ZEN-B >>> ①-159 Tough stainlesssteels such as SUS316 as SUS316 SUS304 SU2-SP HFISP>>> ①-187 SUS304 >>>①-113 SUS303 SU-SP>>> ①-97 SU+SP>>> ①-97 HFIHS>>> ①-183 SUS303 5m/min 10m/min 15m/min 20m/min 30m/min An image telling possible applications New System table of taps for stainless steels, through hole use slow Tapping speed fast 5m/min 10m/min 15m/min 20m/min 30m/min Workpiece Workpiece Materials Area of full rigid lead feed Materials Titaniumalloys ZET-P>>> ②-19 Titaniumalloys Nickel basealloys ZEN-P>>> ③-85 Nickel basealloys Tough stainlesssteels such ZEN-P>>> ③-85 Tough stainlesssteels such as SUS316 as SUS316 SUS304 SUS304 SUS303 SU-PO>>> ③-59 SU+SL>>> ②-15 HDISL SUS303>>> ②-31 5m/min 10m/min 15m/min 20m/min 30m/min An image telling possible applications Product System-7