Spiral Fluted Taps (for blind hole)Spiral Fluted Taps(for through hole)Spiral Pointed Taps(for through hole)Hand TapsCementedCarbide TapsRoll TapsSpecial Thread TapsSimple Inspection ToolsPipe TapsThread MillsPremium Thread MillsDiesCenter DrillsCentering Tools DIN ② Spiral Fluted Tap Series for through hole Overall Thread Thread + Neck Shank Shank Size of Length oflengthlengthlengthlengthdia.squaresquareLℓℓnℓsDsKℓk DIN ① AU+SL Spiral Fluted Taps, Coated, Through Hole Use(with LH Spiral Flutes) ② Specification ■The AU+SL is compatible with a wide range Coating <2D of workpiece materials. ③ Recommended Tapping Speeds depending on Materials Low carbon steels Medium carbon steels High carbon steels Alloy steels Stainless steels Aluminum alloy castings Zinc alloy castings 低炭素鋼 中炭素鋼 高炭素鋼 合金鋼 ステンレス鋼 アルミ合金鋳物 亜鉛合金鋳物 10〜20 10〜20 10〜20 10〜20 5〜10 20〜30 20〜30 ④ (m/min) (m/min) (m/min) (m/min) (m/min) (m/min) (m/min) ⑤ TYPE:1 DIN371 ⑥ TYPE:2 DIN371 TYPE:3 DIN376/DIN374 ⑦ ⑧ Segment:1S Size Class Code Chamfer L(mm) ℓ(mm) ℓn(mm) ℓs(mm) Ds(mm) K(mm) ℓk(mm) No. offlutes TYPE For Metric Threads ⑨ M3 × 0.5 ISO2X LE3.0GBNEV 5P 56 9 18 34 3.5 2.7 6 3 1 M4 × 0.7 ISO2X LE4.0IBNEV 5P 63 13 21 38 4.5 3.4 6 3 1 M5 × 0.8 ISO2X LE5.0KBNEV 5P 70 14 25 39 6 4.9 8 3 1 M6 × 1 ISO2X LE6.0MBNEV 5P 80 15 30 45 6 4.9 8 3 1 M8 × 1.25 ISO2X LE8.0NBNEV 5P 90 19 35 47 8 6.2 9 3 2 ⑩ M8 × 1 ISO2X LN8.0MBNEV 5P 90 19 - 46 6 4.9 8 3 3 M10 × 1.5 ISO2X LE010OBNEV 5P 100 23 39 52.5 10 8 11 3 2 M10 × 1.25 ISO2X LN010NBNEV 5P 100 23 - 51 7 5.5 8 3 3 M10 × 1 ISO2X LN010MBNEV 5P 90 19 - 46 7 5.5 8 3 3 ⑪ M12 × 1.75 ISO2X LH012PBNEV 5P 110 26 - 56 9 7 10 3 3M12 × 1.5ISO2XLN012OBNEV5P10021-51971033 M12 × 1.25 ISO2X LN012NBNEV 5P 100 21 - 51 9 7 10 3 3 M14 × 2 ISO2X LH014QBNEV 5P 110 26 - 56 11 9 12 3 3 DIN ②-13 ※ This product is different from JIS products in shape and dimensions, please be careful when using.