Sharp cutting orientedRoughingRoughingSharp cutting oriented Standard (Without Indication)Without chipbreaker Stability oriented Sharp cutting oriented Feed rate Stability oriented HighLow ap (mm) Turning indexable inserts Introduction Chipbreaker selection - Negative inserts Cast iron (K series) B Name Design Advantages Applicable chipbreaker range (ap indicates radius) (Cast Iron) 10 0.18 5° 18° • Sharp cutting chipbreaker• Edge geometry is suitable KQ for workpieces that requiresharpness such as thin-walled 8 KQ 6 KH 4 KG KG 0.28 • Excellent balance of sharpness3°14°and strength 2• Realized stability at continuous machining 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 f (mm/rev) • Good for heavily interrupted 0.4 15° machining • Strong edge chipbreaker KH • Improved locating / seating in the toolholder pocket, high reliability achieved Cast iron Name Design Advantages Name Design Advantages 0.25 • Standard type for 0.3 • For heavy 5° 14° continuous to lightinterrupted cut GC interrupted cut14°(Tough edge (Low cutting force) chipbreaker) 0.18 • High feed ratechipbreaker for • For roughing0.420°• Suitable for heavyinterrupted cut and C 15° continuous to light PH for workpieces with interrupted cut scale due to strong cutting edge 0.42 15° • Standard type for light interrupted ZS 0.42 to interrupted cut(Stability oriented) Without chipbreaker(**MA type) PH 15° C ZS • High feed rate chipbreaker for GC light interrupted to interrupted cut Standard (Without indication) Continuous Light Interruption Interruption Heavy interruption B9