Threading D1D1D1 PDX Applicable thread PR1115 PR930 KW10 CermetTC60 Multipurpose threading tools TT for external and internal threading TT Carbon steel / Alloy steel N O O P Stainless steel N O M Cast iron N K Non-ferrous metals N N Pitch Dimension (mm) Carbide Insert Description mm TPI IC S D1 RE Threadangle(°) Profile PVD - - Applicable tool-typeholder R L R L R L R L TT32& 6000 0.5~2.5- -56~109.525 3.18 4.4 0 60 MUN N N N N N N 6001 1.0~2.5- -24~109.525 3.18 4.4 0.1 60 MUN N N N N N N N N PNA RE 6002 1.5~2.5- -16~109.525 3.18 4.4 0.2 60 M N N N N N N N NUNPartialKTT&...-16 IC S 6003 2.5- -11~109.525 3.18 4.4 0.3 60 M profile NUN N N N TT32& 5501 - 28~1124~109.525 3.18 4.4 0.1 55 G, PTW N N N N N N 5502 - 14~1114~109.525 3.18 4.4 0.2 55 G, PTW N N N N N N J TT43& 6001 1.0~3.5 --24~812.7 4.76 5.5 0.1 60 MUN N N N N N N N 6002 1.5~3.5 --16~812.7 4.76 5.5 0.260032.5~3.5--11~812.74.765.50.360M N N N N N N N NUNPartial60MprofileNUNNNNNKTT&...-22 PNA RE 6004 3.0~3.5- -8 12.7 4.76 5.5 0.4 60 MUN N N N N N IC S TT43& 5501 28~1124~7 12.7 4.76 5.5 0.1 55 N N N N N 55025503 - 14~1116~7 12.7 4.76 5.5 0.21110~712.74.765.50.355 NG, PTPartialN N N N N55WprofileNNNKTT&...-22 5504 -8~7 12.7 4.76 5.5 0.4 55 N N TT43ER 100M 1.00 12.7 4.76 5.5 0.12 0.8 60 N N N PNA RE 125M 1.25 12.7 4.76 5.5 0.15 0.9 60 N N N - M Fullprofile KTT&...-22 PDX 150M 1.5 12.7 4.76 5.5 0.19 1 60 N N N IC S 200M 2.0 12.7 4.76 5.5 0.25 1.7 60 N N N Right-hand shown PR930/PR1115 (Threading) TC60/KW10 (Threading) are are sold in 5 piece boxes sold in 10 piece boxes Recommended cutting conditions: J38 N : Standard item R : Right hand only L : Left hand only U : Check availability Number of passes and depth of cuts: J44 - J46 J32