FinishingFinishingap (mm)Finishing - MediumMedium - RoughingLarge ap MediumRoughing ap (mm)ap (mm) ap (mm) Turning indexable inserts Introduction Chipbreaker selection - Negative inserts Low carbon steel (pipe / rolled plate / rolled steel) B Name Design Advantages Name Design Advantages 0.15 0.2 15° • Excellent chipcontrol at highXFspeed and small apXQ0.16machining of lowcarbon steel11° 9° • Consistent chipbreaking due to0.17moderate rake faceand special design7° 3° 0.18 0.2 4° 7° • Consistent chip • Short chips due to breaking due to XP 0.11 sharp cutting and XSspecial design special rake faceand rake angle 8° 3° design Applicable chipbreaker range (ap indicates radius) (Low Carbon Steel) 5 4 3 2 XS 1 XF XP XQ 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 f (mm/rev) Steel / stainless steel (for automatic lathe) (Steel) (Stainless Steel) Name Design Advantages 5 5 4 4 14° • Machining in automatic lathes 3 3 • Sharp cutting performance FP-TKequivalent to positive inserts2 2 FP-TK SK • 2-step dot design provides 13° reliable chip control at various 1 1 - FP-SK: ap FP-SK, SK FP-SK, SK Polished sharp edge 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 -SK: Honed f (mm/rev) f (mm/rev) (Steel) 13° • Good in automatic lathes 12(When machining workpieces of medium to large diameter) LD-D type • Superior cutting performance 9 FP-TK achieved by sharp edge9°and polished surface 6 • Smooth chipbreaker geometry improves chip flow with less LD-T type adhesion 3 ·Large curled chips 0.025 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 f (mm/rev) 20° • Available for greater depths of cut than many conventional chipbreakers • Achieves high-precision machining in a single pass LD • Chipbreaker shape optimized 20° for various depths of cut • Stable chip control in a wide range of machining applications B7