Ball-nose / radius type cutters MRW Recommended cutting conditions Recommended chipbreaker (fz: mm/t) Recommended insert grades (Vc: m/min) *Recommended feed rate (Reference value)Workpiece materialfor ROMU12 type: ap=3 mm/for ROMU16 type: ap=4 mmMEGACOAT NANOCVD Coatedcarbide GM SM GH PR1535 PR1525 PR1510 CA6535 Carbon steel ★ ✩ ✩ ✩ ★0.1~0.2~0.30.06~0.15~0.20.15~0.3~0.35120~180~250120~180~250-- Alloy steel ★ ✩ ✩ ✩ ★0.1~0.2~0.30.06~0.15~0.20.15~0.3~0.35100~160~220100~160~220-- Mold steel ★ ✩ ✩ ✩ ★0.1~0.15~0.250.06~0.12~0.20.15~0.2~0.380~140~18080~140~180-- Stainless steel (Austenitic related) ✩ ★ ✩ ★ ✩0.1~0.15~0.20.06~0.12~0.20.15~0.2~0.25100~160~200100~160~200-- Stainless steel (Martensitic related) ✩ ★ ✩ ✩0.1~0.15~0.20.06~0.12~0.20.15~0.2~0.25150~200~250-- ★180~240~300 Stainless steel (Precipitation Hardening) ★ ✩ ✩ ★0.1~0.15~0.20.06~0.12~0.20.15~0.2~0.2590~120~150-- - Gray cast iron ★0.1~0.2~0.3 - ✩0.15~0.3~0.35 - - ★120~180~250 - Nodular cast iron ★0.1~0.15~0.25 - ✩0.15~0.2~0.3 - - ★100~150~200 - Ni-base heat-resistant alloys ★ ✩ ✩ ✩0.1~0.12~0.150.06~0.1~0.150.12~0.15~0.220~30~50-- ★20~30~50 Titanium alloys ✩ ★0.1~0.12~0.150.06~0.1~0.15 - ★40~60~80 - ✩30~50~70 - * Machining with coolant is recommended for Ni-base heat-resistant alloys and titanium alloys. ★: 1st Recommendation ✩: 2nd Recommendation M * The bold-faced number indicates a center value of recommended cutting condition. Adjust the cutting speed and the feed rate within the above conditions according to the actual machining situation. * Recommended feed rate is the reference value when ap is RE/2 (3mm for ROMU12, 4mm for ROMU16). For lower ap than the above conditions, the conversion factor in the following table is recommended. Conversion factor for feed per tooth fz Insert ap (Recommended) Max. ap ap=0.5mm ap=1mm ap=2mm ap=3mm ap=4mm ROMU12 type 3mm or less 6mm 2.1 1.5 1.1 1.0(Standard) - ROMU16 type 4mm or less 8mm 2.4 1.7 1.3 1.1 1.0(Standard) * Example (ROMU12 type, carbon steel, GM chipbreaker, ap=1mm) fz=0.2mm/t(Reference value for carbon steel and GM chipbreaker)× 1.5(Conversion factor for ROMU12 type, ap=1mm)= fz = 0.3 mm/t(Recommended feed rate) * Recommended ap: 3mm or less for ROMU12, 4mm or less for ROMU16 Except the case that ap temporally surpass the recommended ap, machining under the recommended ap is recommended. Corner-R shape during processing Y(Gap between insert corner-R) Corner-R shape during processing with MRW (Ref. to the right figure) Insert APMX X Y Insert corner ROMU12 type 6 mm 3 mm 0.1 mm ROMU16 type 8 mm 4 mm 0.1 mm X(Recommended ap) APMX * When machining with larger ap than recommended ap (X), there is a gap (Y) between the workpiece corner and Insert corner-R(RE). * The above figure is estimation. There would be ±0.2mm variation depending on the cutting conditions. M198 Milling