Inserts TN100MNo interference KW10 Coolant hole KPD230Less relief (KPD001) KPD010 No interference No interference DCONh7 Milling Lead angle 0°/ 2° DMC/DMC-SX/DMC-H DReMcoCm-Hmended cutting conditions (DMC/DMC-SX) Recommended insert grades ( Vc: m/min) fz CermDet C +0 −0.2 Carbide Max. ap (mm) Workpiece material (mm/t) Cutting dia. Slotting Shouldering TN100M KW10 (DC) (ap) (apxae) Carbon steel ~0.2 ★120~200 ~ø12 2 6x2ø14~39x3 Alloy steel ~0.2 ★100~180 APMX ~ø12 2 6x2ø14~39x3 Mold steel ~0.15 ★100~180 4° LH ~ø12 2ø14~LF3 6x29x3 Stainless steel ~0.15 ✩120~200 ~ø12 1.5 4x2ø14~26x2 Cast iron ~0.2Toolholder dimensionsNon-ferrous metals~0.2 ★ ~ø12 2 6x280~150ø14~39x3★~ø1226x2100~300ø14~39x3 Use DMC8 ○○Awvaitihla-ap=6mm bility MAX. for shouldering.Dimension (mm) Spare partsScrewWrench (Torx) ★: 1st Recommendation ✩: 2nd Recommendation When using inserts with corner-R(RE) 2.0 or larger, additional modifications of the cutter body will be necessary. A(ADdddedsitictiroioinpntaailolmngroidndificoafftiiosnnsoftonrethcAee.sRbs.aordyRyw.Rwh.iellnbceonrenceer-sRsa(RrEy.)Ref. to the is 0.8 mm chart below or less.) for the recommended modifications. Applicable inserts R DC DCON LF LH APMX Insert corner-R(RE) (mm) Additional processing dimensionto body corner (mm) DMC 316H N 2.0 +5 -3.5 16 16 90 R1.0 1 30 SB-4060TR 320H325H332H N 3.0 +6 20-2N25N4.02+8320202532110 R1.6120130R24.0014No SB-4065TR BoFTd-y15cornerNDMM115500330084EERR--SSPP AdditionallyproNcDeCsTs1e5d0308TRX NDCW 15I0n3s0e8rTtRwXith NDCW large 15c0o3r0n8eFrR-XR(RE) 150302FRX-NE 150302FRX (PCD)Pre-processingPost-processing * Round34- 0shHaped Nadditional processing is re4c0ommended. 150 When applying chamfer shaped additional processing, do not cut away too much. Recommended cutting conditions (DMC-H) Recommended insert grades ( Vc: m/min) Max. ap (mm)CermetCarbidePCD M Workpiece material fz (mm/t) Cutting Dia. Slotting Shouldering (DC) (ap) (apxae) Carbon steel ~0.2 ★120~200 ~ø20 4 8x4ø25~814x6 Alloy steel ~0.2 ★100~180 ~ø20 4 8x4ø25~813x6 Mold steel ~0.15 ★100~180 ~ø20 3 5x2ø25~610x3 Stainless steel ~0.15 ✩120~200 ~ø20 3 6x2ø25~613x3 Cast iron ~0.2 ★80~150 ~ø20 4 8x4ø25~614x6 Non-ferrous metals ~0.2 ★ ★ ✩ ~ø20 4 8x4100~300300~500300~500ø25~614x6 Above inserts are also applicable to DMC ◦◦◦ SX, but the conventional NDCW1503 ◦◦ TR insert is not applicable for this end mill. Insert Insert description NDCT...TRX NDCW...TR NDCT...TRX NDCW...TR NDCW...(T/F)RX 15˚ NDCT...(T/F)R NDCW...(T/F)RX 15˚ NDCT...(T/F)R Toolholder 30˚ 15˚ Toolholder description 15˚30˚ DMC-H No interference of relief surface Less reliefap must be under 5mm. DMC-SX No interference of relief surface No interference of relief surface Toolholder Relief surface side Toolholder A.R. Cutting Dia.Insert A.R. Insert A A direction A direction B B direction B direction N : Standard item R : Right hand only L : Left hand only U : Check availability M123