Lead angle 0°/ 2° MEC/MECX Ramping, helical milling and vertical milling (Plunging) Ramping/Helical milling Vertical milling (Plunging) Ramping angle is recommended under RMPX. Cutting dia. Applicable inserts Max. ramping angle (RMPX) Cutting dia. Applicable inserts Max. width of cut (ae) Refer to each tool’s cutting performance list for sinking depth ø16~ø18 3° per revolution when helical milling. ø19~ø21 5°Use compressed air when during machining.ø22~ø25BDMT11T3 type2.5° ø16 ~ ø19 BDMT11T3 typeBDGT11T3 type 1.5 mm ø28~ø32 BDGT11T3 type 1.5° ø40 0.7°ø50 and overNot recommended ø20 ~ ø160 BDMT11T3 typeBDGT11T3 type 5 mm ø25 8° ø32 BDMT1704 type 5°ø40BDGT1704 type2.5° ø25 ~ ø160 BDMT1704 typeBDGT1704 type 8 mm ø50 and over Not recommended RMPX BDMT1103 type is not recommended for ramping and helical milling. BDMT1103 type is not recommended for vertical milling (plunging). Guidance of minimum cutting dia. by helical milling MEC Cutting dia. ø16 ø18 ø20 ø22 ø25 ø28 ø30 ø32 ø40 ø50 BD_T11T3 Guidance of minimum cutting dia.by helical milling ø21 ø25 ø29 ø33 ø39 ø45 ø49 ø53 ø69 Helical milling is type Guidance of minimum cutting dia.in case of flatting bottom after helical milling. ø28 ø32 ø36 ø40 ø46 ø52 ø56 ø60 ø76 not recommended. MEC Cutting dia. ø25 ø32 ø40 ø50 BD_T1704 Guidance of minimum cutting dia.by helical milling ø34 ø48 ø64 Helical milling is type Guidance of minimum cutting dia.in case of flatting bottom after helical milling. ø46 ø60 ø76 not recommended. Case studies RC55 (Pre-hardened Tool Steel) SS400 • Test piece (54~56HRC) • Plate • Vc = 50 m/min (n = 800 min-1)• ap x ae = 2 x 14 mm • Vc = 88 m/min (n = 1,400min-1)• ap = 5 mm x 2 passes M • fz = 0.125 mm/t (Vf = 300 mm/min) • fz = 0.12 mm/t (Vf = 500 mm/min) • Dry • Dry • MEC20-S20-11T• 3 flutes • MEC20-S20-11T• 3 flutes 1,800 • BDMT11T308ER-JT • BDMT11T308ER-JT (PR830) (PR830) MEC Chip removal amount =71.3cm3 (Further machining possible) MEC 23 pcs/edge Competitor's end mill A Chip removal amount = 2.9 cm3 (Chipping occurred) Competitor's end mill B 10~11pcs/edge Competitor's end mill A [ø25 (2 flutes) Vc = 40 m/min fz = 0.075 mm/t ap x ae = 2 x 3 mm] had chipping occurred in 10 minutes and had loud machining MEC extended the tool life for more than twice. sound. MEC could increase the feed rate, and the cutting edge remained in extremely good condition and is still sustainable for further machining. (User evaluation) (User evaluation) SUS304 DAC10 (Hot work tool steel) • Plate 220 • Mold • Vc = 125 m/min (n = 1,600 min-1) 90 40 90 • Vc = 130 m/min (n = 1,040 min-1) • ap = 9.0 mm • ap × ae =(~3)×(~5) • fz = 0.1 mm/t (Vf = 320 mm/min) (Varies depending on machining point) φ50 • Dry • fz = 0.18 mm/t(Vf = 936 mm/min) 68 4 • MEC25-25-17 • Dry (Air blow) • 2 flutes Removed portion (4 locations) • MEC40-S32-11T • 5 flutes • BDMT170408ER-JT • BDMT11T308ER-JT (PR830) (PR830) 68 58 MEC 4pcs/edge or more MEC 2 hours (Small wear: extendible) Competitor's end mill C 1pc/edge or less Competitor's end mill D 2 hours (Halted due to insert breakage) Competitor's end mill C (indexable end mill) had high cutting force and had insert breakage, MEC had better cutting performance/insert life comparing to competitor's end mill D, and the insert had only small but MEC had no insert breakage and was still usable for further machining after machining wear and was usable for further machining after used for machining of the same duration as competitor's end mill D. 4 pieces (16 points). (User evaluation) Competitor's end mill D (6 flutes type) was used with Vf = 936 mm/min (fz = 0.15 mm/t). (User evaluation) SCM420 Ni-base heat-resistant alloys • Knuckle Steering • Turbine parts • Vc = 150 m/min (n = 1,200 min-1) • Vc = 15 m/min (n = 120 min-1) 160 • ap = 0.5~5 mm(Shouldering) • ap = 0.5 mm • fz = 0.1 mm/t (Vf = 478 mm/min) Machined portion • fz = 0.08 mm/t (Vf = 38 mm/min) • Dry • Wet • MEC40-S32-17 • MEC040R-17-4T-M • 4 flutes • 4 flutes • BDMT170408ER-JT • BDMT170408ER-JS Machined portion (PR830) (PR1025) MEC 150 pcs/edge MEC 9pcs/edge Competitor's end mill E 40pcs/edge Competitor's end mill F 1pc/edge or less MEC had a better finished surface comparing to competitor's end mill E and also improved the tool life by more than 3 times. Competitor's end mill F (Coated carbide Insert) could not finish machining of 1 workpiece, but MEC could cut 9pcs/edge and the finished surface was good. (User evaluation) (User evaluation) M61 304030 1009 14 78 10 5840 Milling