Inserts A.R. R.R. DCONCoolant hole Max. revolution (min-1) DCSFMS Milling Lead angle 0°/ 2° MEC/MECX Max. revolution Do not use the cutter at the maximum revolution or higher since the centrifugal force may cause inserts and parts to scatter even under no load. MWhEeCn using center-through air/Coolant/Mist If center through air (Coolant, Mist) is used, please use appropriate arbor and clamp with mounting bolt (Table1) DC +0-0.2 LF CRKS H A For good shoulder finishes by MEC multistage ap. In order to obtain smooth machining wall surface by multiple passes of MEC milling cutter, please keep ap 5.5 mm or less for 11T3 type and also keep ap 9 mm or less for 1704 type. Table 1 A APMX Description Mounting bolt(Attachment) Wrench OAL MEC032R····-M SP8X35 LW-5(Double width 5 mm) Toolholder dimensionsMEC040R····-M HH8X25H LW-5(Double width 5 mm) MEC050R····-MMEC063R····-M Availa-bilityHH10X30H LW-6 Dimension (mm)(Double width 6 mm) Spare partsScrewWrench (Torx) MEC063DRes··c·r·iptionMEC080R····(-M)HH12X35HR LW-8DC(DCoOuNble wDiCdStFhM8Smm)OALLFAPMX CRKS H Applicableinserts MEC100R····N/M HH16X52H LW-12(Double width 12 mm) MEC 16-M08-11T-2T N +18 -14 16 8.5 14.7 42 25 M8x1.25 12 43750 MEC12250R-·M···10-11T-2T20-M10-11T-3TNN2HF20+X2503H-10 20 LW-14(D1o0u.b5le wid1t8h.714 mm)483010 M10x1.5 15 41000Yes SB-2555TRG DTM-8MEC16205R-·M···12-11T-3T32-M16-11T-4TNN3HF24+X2610H4+23-92512.5LW-12735632(Do1u7ble widt3h017 mm)623540M12x1.751937500M16x2.02433900BDMT11T3BDGT11T3 WMEreCnch2i5s-nMo1t2a-t1t7a-c2hTed. PleaseNpurcha2se+it1s6ep-a1r1atel2y.5 12.5 23 56 35 M12x1.75 19 3500015.7Yes SB-4070TRN DTM-1532-M16-17-3TN3+17-73217306240M16x2.02430000BDMT1704BDGT1704 Max. Revolution : Do not use the cutter at the maximum revolution or higher since the centrifugal force may cause inserts and parts to scatter even under no load. For more details, see„Warning“ on page M57. Coat Anti-seize Compound(P-37) thinly on portion of taper and thread when insert is fixed. SSepe paargeeMp42afrortaspp(lMicaEbleCarmboro(BdTuarlbaorrfotryexpchean)geable head / double-face clamping spindle) M Spare parts Clamp screw Wrench Anti-seize compound Description MEC 16-M08-11T-2T 20-M10-11T-2T SB-2555TRG20-M10-11T-3T DTM-8 P-37 25-M12-11T-3T Recommended tightening torque for insert clamp 1.2N∙m 32-M16-11T-4T MEC 25-M12-17-2T SB-4070TRN DTM-15 32-M16-17-3T Recommended tightening torque for insert clamp 3.5N∙m P-37 Coat anti-seize compound thinly on portion of taper and thread when insert is fixed. M55