DCON DCSFMS Milling Lead angle 0°/ 2° MEW MEW DC +0-0.2 LF CRKS H A A APMX OAL Toolholder dimensions Availa-DescriptionbilityInsertsA.R.R.R. Dimension (mm) Coolant hole Revolutionmax.Applicable inserts R DC DCON DCSFMS OAL LF APMX CRKS H MEW 16-M08-10-2T N -22 16 8.5 14.7 42 25 M8x1.25 12 43750 2 20-M10-10-2T N 20-M10-10-3T N 3 20 10.5 18.7 48 30 M10x1.5 15+710 Yes-20 41000 LOMU10...-..LOGT10...-.. 25-M12-10-3T N 25 12.5 23 56 35 M12x1.75 19 37500 32-M16-10-4T N 4 32 17 30 62 40 M16x2.0 24 33900 MEW 25-M12-15-2T N 232-M16-15-3TN3 25 12.5 23 56 35 M12x1.75 19+10-2215 Yes3217306240M16x2.02435000LOMU15...-..30000LOGT15...-.. Max. Revolution : Do not use the cutter at the maximum revolution or higher since the centrifugal force may cause inserts and parts to scatter even under no load. See page M42 for applicable arbor (BT arbor for exchangeable head / double-face clamping spindle) See page M42 for spare parts Applicable inserts reference page M38, M67 M N : Standard item R : Right hand only L : Left hand only U : Check availability Recommended cutting conditions: M46 M41