Cut-Off Introduction Toolholder identification system KGD / KGDS (for automatic lathe) Applicable inserts Others GDM/GDMS D38 CUTDIA 38 mm Edge width: 3~4 mm KGDKGDS R 1616 JX - 31.3 D38 B Toolholder hand Shank size Toolholder length Applicable inserts Others R Right-handLLeft-hand 16 x 16 mm 120 mm GDM/GDMS B For sub spindle toolingEdge width: 1.3 mm H KGD (Integral type) KGD R 1616 H - 2 T 06 Toolholder hand Shank size Toolholder length Applicable inserts Max. depth of cut R Right-handLLeft-hand 16 × 16 mm 100mm GDM/GDMS2~3 mm 06: 6 mm KGD (Separate type / Unit description) KGD R 2020 X - 2 T 17 S Toolholder hand Shank size Toolholder type Applicable inserts Max. depth of cut R Right-hand 20 x 20 mmLLeft-hand Unit description GDM/GDMS2~3 mm 17: 17mm KGD-JCT (Coolant-through holders) KGD R 1220 H - 2 JCT Toolholder hand Shank size Toolholder length Applicable inserts Others R Right-hand 12 x 20 mmLLeft-hand 100 mm GDM/GDMS2~3 mm Coolant-through holders H3