PR1225 PR930 KW10 WF WF CDX CDX Coolant hole Grooving Internal grooving GC type SIGC - Carbide shank with coolant (Internal grooving) LF LHDMIN2° DCON SIGC&0806-WH 5° H LF DMIN LH2° DCON 5° H LU Right-hand shown | Right-hand Insert for Right-hand Toolholder, Left-hand Insert for Left-hand Toolholder. Toolholder dimensions KGMW Availabi-lity Dimension (mm) Spare partsClamp screwWrench (Torx) Description Recommended insert grades (Vc: m/min) (1) f for grooving (mm/rev)Workpiece materialPCD(2) f for turning (mm/rev) Applicable inserts G R L CDX DMIN DCON HKPD001 LH LF (3LU) ap for tuWrnFing (mm) SIGC& 0806-WHAluminum N N 1.5 8 6 5.4 12 75 ((12-)) 00..025~~00.48..38 Yes SB-2270T& FT-7 GC08&100-005 ~ GC08&L200-010 SIGC& 1008-WH-L85 N N 2.2 150~2,700108 7.2 18 85 (33)2Max. 3 5.6 Yes SB-3070T& GC10&100-005 ~ GC10&300-020FT-8 1008-WH-L100 N 100 45 SB-3070TR GC10R100-005 ~ GC10R300-020 SIGC& 1210-WH-L95 N 95 32 SB-3070:T1Rst recommendation GC12R100-005 ~ GC12R300-020 1210-WH-L110 2.2NN 12 10 9.2 18 110 45 6.6 Yes SB-3070T& FT-8 GC12&100-005 ~ GC12&300-020 SVeNttiGng the insert: Use compressed air or other measures to remove chips from the insert pocket. Mount the insert into the toolholder ensure tRheecobmotmtoemndemdainkseesrtcogrnatdaecst(wVci:thm/tmheine)nd of the toolholder‘s surface, kKeeping the insert seated, tighten the insert clamp screw at an appropriate torque. Recommended tightening torque: 0.8 N·m (SB-2270TR/L), 1.2 N·m (SB-3070TR/L)L-hand clamp screw for L-hand toolholderMEGAPVDCarbideVNG04VNG06 Workpiece material VNG05 VNG07 Remarks Applicable sleeves f (mm/rev) Shank Size (Hole Dia.: mm)Carbon steel / Alloy steel 06 (6 mm)Toolholder Description30~100SIGC& 03800~6-1W00H08 (8 mm) 10 (10 mm)SIGC& 1008-WH~-0L.0835S~IG0C.0R51210-WH-L95SIGCR 1008-WH-L100SIGC& 1210-WH-L11012 (12 mm)SIGC& 0812-EH16 (16 mm)SIGC& 1016-EHSIGC& 1216-EH StainleSsHs sSteleeel ves (for boring bars) 30~80 SH 06…30~80 SH 08… ~0.02 ~0.03SH 10… Coolant SH 12… SH 16… SHC Sleeves (coolant sleeve)Non-ferrous meStHalAs Sleeves ––  SHC 08…SHA 08…~0.05 SHC 10…~0.0S8HA 10… SHC 12…SHA 12… SHC 16…– ~300 EZH Sleeves (For EZ Bars) EZH 06…ST/CT/HP… EZH  08…ST/CT/:1HsPt…recommendation :2–nd recommendation – – * Remove the positioning pin when mounting SIGC to the EZH-CT/HP Sleeve Positioning function is not available SRIGeCcommended cutting conditions Recommended insert grades (Vc: m/min) (1) f for grooving (mm/rev) MEGACOAT MEGACOATNANO PLUSNANO (2) f for turning (mm/rev) Workpiece material Remarks (3) ap for turning (mm) PR1725 PR1535 GC08&… GC10&, GC12& GC10&, GC12&100 ~ 200…250 ~ 300… (1)0.01~0.03 (1)0.02~0.04 (1)0.02~0.04 Carbon steel   (2)0.01~0.03 (2)0.02~0.04 (2)0.02~0.04 50~80 50~80 (3)Max. 0.05 (3)Max. 0.05 (3)Max. 0.1 (1)0.01~0.03 (1)0.02~0.04 (1)0.02~0.04 Alloy steel   (2)0.01~0.03 (2)0.02~0.04 (2)0.02~0.04 Coolant 50~80 50~80 (3)Max. 0.05 (3)Max. 0.05 (3)Max. 0.1 (1)0.01~0.03 (1)0.01~0.03 (1)0.01~0.03 Stainless steel   (2)0.01~0.03 (2)0.01~0.03 (2)0.01~0.03 50~80 50~80 (3)Max. 0.05 (3)Max. 0.05 (3)Max. 0.1 :1st recommendation :2nd recommendation N : Standard item R : Right hand only L : Left hand only U : Check availability VNFG G59 Recommended insert grades (Vc: m/min) PVD