ap (mm) ap (mm) Small tools Introduction Toolholders for small double sided tooling (Screw clamp, without offset) Specially designed negative inserts (double-sided) for small workpieces enables sharp cutting equivalent to positive inserts, achieving high productivity due to economical doubled insert edge numbers. E Designed small negative insert No constraint of tool position against tool post into the newly designed small negative insert The conventional toolholders for negative insert possibly interferes with sub spindle. TNGU09 type TNGG16 type Main Small double sided insert Negative insert Spindle Sub Spindle No interference with sub spindle Toolholder for double sided tooling for automatic lathe (Lever lock, without offset) For medium to large ap in automatic lathes (When machining workpieces of medium to large diameter) Punch (To install Shim Pin) Insert Shim Pin Shim Lock Screw Lever Sharp cutting oriented FP-SK/TK chipbreaker with polished and sharp edge preparation. Lever lock Applicable chipbreaker range Design Advantages 5 5 Steel Stainless steel FP-SK 4 4 14° 2-step dot design provides reliable 3 3 chip control at FP-TK FP-TK 13° various ap. 2 2 1 1 FP-TK 1133°° Polished FP-SK FP-SK chipbreaker. Smooth chip 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 99°° control and less f (mm/rev) f (mm/rev) adhesion. E3