Material list (JIS) Ferrous materials Classification Name of JIS standard Symbol Carbon steel forging SF Rolled steel for welded structure SM Forgedsteel Chromium molybdenum steel forging SFCM Re-rolled steel SRB Nickel chromium molybdenum steel forging SFNCM Structural Rolled steel for general structure SS Gray cast iron FC steel Light gauge steel for general structure SSC Spheroidal graphite cast iron FCD Hot-rolled steel plate, sheet and strip for automobile SAPH Cast iron Blackheart malleable cast iron FCMB structural use Whiteheart malleable cast iron FCMW Steel Cold-rolled steel plate, sheet and strip SPC Pearlitic malleable cast iron FCMP sheet Hot-rolled soft steel plate, sheet and strip SPH Carbon cast steel SC Carbon steel pipe for ordinary piping SGP Carbon steel pipe for boiler / heat exchanger STB High tensile strength carbon cast steel & low alloy cast SCCsteel Seamless steel pipe for high pressure gas cylinder STH Cast steel Stainless cast steel SCS Carbon steel pipe for general structural use STK Heat-resisting cast steel SCH Carbon steel pipe for machine structural use STKM High manganese cast steel SCMnH Alloy steel pipe for structural use STKS Cast steel for high temperature and high pressure service SCPH Steel pipe Stainless steel pipe for machine structural use SUS-TK Steel square pipe for general structural use STKR Non-ferrous metals Alloy steel pipe for ordinary piping STPA Classification Name of JIS standard Symbol Carbon steel pipe for pressure service STPG CxxxxP Copper and copper alloy sheet / strip CxxxxPP Carbon steel pipe for high-temperature service STPT Copper CxxxxR Carbon steel pipe for high-pressure service STS CxxxxBD Copper and copper alloy rod and bar CxxxxBDS Stainless steel pipe for ordinary piping SUS-TP CxxxxBE Carbon steel for machine structural use SxxC,SxxCK AxxxxP Aluminum and al. alloy sheet / strip Aluminum chromium molybdenum steel SACM AxxxxPC AxxxxBE Chromium molybdenum steel SCMMachine Aluminum alloys AxxxxBES structural Chromium steel SCr and aluminum Aluminum and al. alloy rod, bar, and wire AxxxxBD steel Nickel chromium steel SNC alloys expanded AxxxxBDS Nickel chromium molybdenum steel SNCM material AxxxxWAxxxxWS R Manganese steel and manganese chromium steel for SMn,SMnCmachine structural use Aluminum and al. alloy extruded shape AxxxxSAluminum and al. alloy forgingAxxxxFD Carbon tool steel SK AxxxxFHMagnesiumMagnesium alloy sheet and plateMP Hollow drill steel SKC alloy expanded Alloy tool steel SKS,SKD,SKT material Magnesium alloy rod and bar MB High speed tool steel SKH Nickel copper alloy sheet and plate NCuPNickel alloyNickel copper alloy rod and barNCuB Free cutting carbon steel SUM Titanium High carbon chromium bearing steel SUJ expanded Titanium rod and bar TB material Spring steel SUP Brass casting CAC20x Stainless steel bar SUS-B High strength brass casting CAC30x Hot-rolled stainless steel plate, sheet and strip SUS-HP,SUS-HS Bronze casting CAC40x Cold-rolled stainless steel plate, sheet and strip SUS-CP,SUS-CS Phosphoric bronze casting CAC50x Aluminum bronze casting CAC70x Heat-resisting steel bar SUH-B,SUH-CB Casting Aluminum alloy casting AC Heat-resisting steel plate and sheet SUH-HP,SUH-CP Magnesium alloy casting MC Zinc alloy die casting ZDCx Corrosion-resisting and heat-resisting superalloy bar NCF-B Aluminum alloy die casting ADC Corrosion-resisting and heat-resisting superalloy plate and NCF-P Magnesium alloy die casting MD sheet White metal WJ R10 Technical information Special steel Tool steelSpecial steelStainless steelHeat-resisting steelSuperalloy