Grade CeramicPCDCBNCarbideCermetCoatedCarbideInsert Grades CBN Characteristic Values Work Material Grade Binder Carbon Content (%) Grain Size (μm) Hardness HV (GPa) TRS (GPa) Main Coating Components Coating Thickness (μm) Features BNC2010 TiCN 50 to 55 2 30 to 32 1.1 to 1.2 TiCN MultipleLayers 1.5 Improved wear resistance from coatingand substrate, achieves excellent andconsistent surface finish. BNC2020 TiN 70 to 75 5 34 to 36 1.4 to 1.5 TiAlN MultipleLayers1.5 Utilising a tough substrate along with a highly wear-resistant and adhesive coating layer, to achieve long toollife in general-purpose to high-efficiency applications. Suitable for finishing of workpieces with BNC300 TiN 60 to 65 1 33 to 35 1.5 to 1.6 TiAIN 1 a mixture of continuous and interruptedcutting portions. A BNC100 TiN 40 to 45 1 29 to 32 1.0 to 1.1 TiAIN/TiCN 2 Grade suitable for high-speed finishingthanks to highly wear-resistant coating. BNC160 TiN 60 to 65 3 31 to 33 1.2 to 1.3 TiAIN/TiCN 2 Achieves stable, high-precision finishing ofhardened steel. Provides long tool life thanks to tough BNC200 TiN 65 to 70 4 33 to 35 1.4 to 1.5 TiAIN 2 substrate and highly wear-resistant coating. Hardened Steel BN1000 TiCN 40 to 45 1 27 to 31 0.9 to 1.0 — — Grade with ultimate wear and fractureresistance, suitable for high-speed cutting. General-purpose grade for hardened steel BN2000 TiN 50 to 55 2 31 to 34 1.1 to 1.2 — — machining with a high degree of fracture and wear resistance. Grade with excellent crater wear resistance, BNX20 TiN 55 to 60 3 31 to 33 1.0 to 1.1 — — suitable for high-efficiency cutting under high-temperature conditions. BN350 TiN 60 to 65 1 33 to 35 1.5 to 1.6 — — Grade with ultimate cutting edge strength,suitable for heavy interrupted cutting. BNX10 TiCN 40 to 45 3 27 to 31 0.9 to 1.0 — — Highly wear-resistant grade, suitable forhigh-speed continuous cutting. Grade with superior fracture resistance in BNX25 TiN 65 to 70 4 29 to 31 1.0 to 1.1 — — high-speed cutting and suited for high- speed interrupted cutting of hardened steel. Sintered BN7500 CoCompound 90 to 95 1 41 to 44 2.0 to 2.1 — Grade maintaining ultimate cutting—edge sharpness, suitable for finishing ofpowdered metal. Alloy BN7000 CoCompound 90 to 95 2 41 to 44 1.8 to 1.9 — Grade exhibiting improved wear and—fracture resistance in roughing of sinteredmaterials. BNS800 Al Alloy 85 to 90 8 39 to 42 0.9 to 1.1 — — Grade with 100% solid CBN structure andexcellent thermal shock resistance. BN7000 CoCompound 90 to 95 2 41 to 44 1.8 to 1.9 — Grade exhibiting wear and fracture—resistance in cutting of cast iron and exoticalloys. Cast Iron Grade optimised for cast iron cutting. BN500 TiC 65 to 70 6 32 to 34 1.0 to 1.1 — — Provides superior wear and fracture resistance. BNC500 Grade suitable for machining of hard-to-cut (For Ductile TiC 60 to 65 4 32 to 34 1.1 to 1.2 TiAIN 2 cast iron, thanks to the highly wear-resistant Cast Iron) substrate and coating. Achieves high-efficiency, improved machining NCB100 — 100 up to 0.5 51 to 54 1.8 to 1.9 — — accuracy, and long tool life in machining of exotic Exotic Alloy alloys such as titanium alloy and Co-Cr alloys. Transverse rupture strength measured with a test piece equivalent to the insert’s CBN layer SUMIBORON Coated SUMIBORON Series L2 on A33