Insert GradesCoate dCarbideCermetCarbideCBNPCDCeramic Grade CBN High hardness and thermal resistance for machining hardened steel and hard cast iron. High-speed finishing of gray cast iron with long tool life is also possible. In 1977, Sumitomo Electric Hardmetal successfully developed a revolutionary CBN sintered tool called SUMIBORON. The main component in SUMIBORON is cubic boron nitride with a special ceramic binder sintered under super high pressure and temperature. Compared to other conventional tool materials, CBN has higher hardness and excellent thermal resistance. With these distinct characteristics, SUMIBORON can perform machining of hardened steel, hard cast iron and exotic alloys which was previously only done by grinding. Excellent efficiency and longer tool life can also be achieved from high-speed A finishing of cast iron. Features Structure Features Structure CBN Content Hardness (GPa) Grade Work Materials/Applications Features Purely CBNparticles, firmlybonded Cast Iron, Titanium ・Containing no binder, the nano-to sub-micron CBNHigh54NCB100Alloy, Pure Titanium, Co-Cr Alloy, Cemented particles have a directly bonded structure ・The high hardness and thermal conductivity make it highly efficient with a long tool life when machining Carbide, Cermet exotic alloys such as titanium alloys and Co-Cr alloys Cemented Carbide, Mainly CBNgrains fusedtogether BN700BN7000BN7500BNS800 Chilled Cast Iron, Ni-Hard ・High CBN content. Structure consists ofCast, Iron, Sinteredstrongly fused CBN grainsFerrous Alloy,・Suited to cutting cast iron, heat-resistantHeat-resistant Alloy, Castalloy, cemented carbide and otherIron, Sintered Ferroushigh-hardness materials Alloy Mainly CBNgrains heldtogether with abinder BN1000/BN2000/BN350 ・CBN grains are fused together stronglyBNX10/BNX20/BNX25Alloy Steel, Case Hardened Steel,with a special ceramic binderBN500/BNC2010/BNC2020Carbon Tool Steel, Bearing Steel, ・Strong CBN binding provides superiorLow27BNC300/BNC100/BNC160Die Steel, Ductile Cast Ironwear resistance and toughness whenBNC200/BNC500cutting hardened steel and cast iron Grade Map Work Material Application High-speed Cutting Finishing to Light Cutting Medium Cutting Rough to Heavy Cutting Classification − H01 H10 H20 H30 BNC2010 Coated BNC2020 BNC300 SUMIBORON BNC100 BNC160 BNC200 Hardened Steel BN1000 UncoatedSUMIBORON BN2000 BNX10 BNX20 BNX25,BN350 Classification − 01 10 20 30 SinteredAlloy UncoatedSUMIBORON BN7500 BN7000 Classification − K01 K10 K20 K30 CoatedSUMIBORON BNC500* NCB100 Cast Iron Uncoated BN500 SUMIBORON BN7000 BNS800 Classification − S01 S10 S20 S30 NCB100 UncoatedExotic AlloySUMIBORON BN7000 BNS800 *Dedicated for Ductile Cast Iron A32