Grade Ultra-fine Grained CarbideMicro-fineGrainedCarbideMicro-grained Carbide CeramicPCDCBNCarbideCermetCoatedCarbideInsert Grades Carbide The IGETALLOY micro-fine grained carbide series provides micro-fine grain structure at a world-class level to deliver superior performance in small drills and other tools. IGETALLOY micro-fine grained cemented carbides feature a WC structure between 0.2 and 1μm and are extremely strong and hard. They also provide excellent sharpness and superb surface quality on machined surfaces. These features provide excellent performance in a variety of applications from ø0.1mm PCB drills and endmill materials to thin-bladed slitters and precision moulds. ● Ultra-fine Grained CarbideXF1 (Grain Size 0.2μm) AF0 (Grain Size 0.5μm) ● Micro-grained CarbideH1 (Grain Size 1.0μm) A Characteristic Values Properties Classification Grade Grain Size Co Content TRS Hardness Hardness HV Features Applications (μm) (wt%) (GPa) (HRA) (GPa) XF1 0.2 9.0 4.0 93.5 19.2 World highest-level micro-grain sizeultra-fine grained carbideMicrodrills, Very Small Diameter Drills AF1 0.5 12.0 4.4 92.5 17.3 World highest-level strength inultra-fine grained carbideMicrodrills, Mini-tools, Punches AF0 0.5 10.0 4.1 93.0 18.0 Tough, wear-resistant ultra-finegrained carbide Microdrills, Routers AFU 0.5 8.0 3.8 93.6 19.4 Wear-resistant ultra-fine grainedcarbide PCB Drills, Endmills for High-HardnessMaterials A1 0.7 13.0 3.2 91.4 15.6 Tough micro-fine grained carbide Endmills, Taps, Drills for Cast Iron,Punches KH12 0.7 10.0 4.0 92.4 17.2 Micro-fine grained carbide with excellentwear resistance and toughnessEndmills, Drills for Steel F0 0.7 5.0 2.0 93.6 20.1 Micro-fine grained carbide withsuperior wear resistancePCB Drills, Routers KH03 1.0 10.0 3.3 91.4 15.2 Micro-grained carbide with excellentstrength and toughnessMoulds/Dies, Drills, Endmills KH05 1.0 13.0 3.5 90.4 13.6 Tough, micro-grained carbide Moulds/Dies H1 1.0 5.0 2.1 92.9 17.7 Micro-grained carbide with superiorwear resistanceDrills for Cast Iron and High-Hardness,Reamers EH10 1.2 6.0 3.4 92.4 17.3 Micro-grained carbidewith a balance of hardness and strengthDrills for Exotic Alloy, Reamers ZF16 1.0 6.0 3.5 93.0 18.6 Wear- and chipping-resistant micro-grainedcarbide for high-speed machiningPCB Drills Carbide Materials K2 A31