H Modular Tools H147 to H156 H Tools Modular Shoulder Milling High Feed Multi-Purpose Radius Groove/ T-Slot Chamfering Modular Tools ……………………………………… H148 Shoulder Milling Shoulder Milling for Steel, Die Steel, Cast Iron, Stainless Steel and Non-Ferrous Metal SEC-Wave Mill WFX Type ………………………… H150 High Efficiency Milling for Steel, Cast Iron, Stainless Steel and Non-Ferrous Metal SEC-Wave Mill WEX Type ………………………… H151 High Feed High Feed Milling for Steel, Die Steel, Cast Iron, Stainless Steel and Non-Ferrous Metal SEC-Wave Mill WFXH Type ……………………… H152 Milling High Feed Milling for Steel, Cast Iron and Stainless Steel SEC-Metal Slash Mill MSX Type ………………… H153 Radius Milling for Exotic Alloy SEC-Wave Radius Mill RSX Type ……………… H154 Milling for Steel, Cast Iron, Stainless Steel and Non-Ferrous Metal SEC-Wave Radius Mill WRCX Type …………… H155 Chamfering Chamfering for Steel, Die Steel, Cast Iron, Stainless Steel and Non-Ferrous Metal SEC-Wave Mill WFXC Type ……………………… H156 ●● mark: Standard stocked item * mark: Semi-standard stock (Please confirm stock availability) Stock Indications and Symbols ● mark: To be replaced by a new item featured on the same page ○○ mark: Stock or planned stock (Please confirm stock availability) ▲ mark: To be replaced by new item No mark: Made-to-order item H147 (Please confirm stock availability) − mark: We cannot produce