GROOVING / CUTTING OFF GROOVING / CUTTING OFF Chip Breaker Breaker System Offering Excellent Chip Disposal Properties Low Feeds Medium Feeds Neutral Right Hand / Left Hand GS Breaker GM Breaker Insert Grades Work MaterialMachiningConditionPSteel M Stainless Steel K Cast Iron Heat Resistant SAlloy / Titanium Alloy Stable MY5015 F MY5015 VP10RT VP10RT VP10RT Machining VP10RT Condition VP20RT VP20RT VP20RT VP20RT VP30RT VP30RT Unstable VP20RT (1st Recommendation) MY5015 a PVD coated grade suitable for a wide range a MY5015 is a CVD coated grade with of applications. The combination of a special excellent wear resistance even at high tough cemented carbide substrate with temperatures. It provides longer tool life MIRACLE coating provides an excellent when machining cast and ductile cast irons. balance of wear and fracture resistance. Also suitable for high speed continuous cutting of steels. CVD Coated Carbide MIRACLE Coating Carbide Substrate (90.5HRA) Carbide Substrate VP10RT VP30RT a PVD coated grade with a cemented carbide a A combination of a tough, special cemented substrate harder than VP20RT. For use on carbide substrate and MIRACLE coating. difficult-to-cut materials and for extending Ideal for heavy interrupted cutting of tool life. stainless and general steels. MIRACLE Coating MIRACLE Coating (Al,Ti)N Carbide Substrate (92.0HRA) Carbide Substrate (88.8HRA) F230