GROOVING / CUTTING OFF IDENTIFICATION OF GW SERIES y Insert / Blade / Tool Block a Insert z x c v b n m , . / GW 1 M 0300 F 030 R 05 G M zSeries Description c Peripheral vGroove Width bSeat Size *1 m Hand .Application 1 M Sintered 0200 .079 inch2.00 mm D .079 inch2.00 mm N NeutralRRight G Grooving/Cutting Off 0300 .118 inch3.00 mm F .118 inch3.00 mm L Left xNumber of Teeth11 Edge Type 0400 .157 inch4.00 mm G .157 inch4.00 mm ,Handed Angle /Application 2055°SLow Feeds 0500 .197 inch5.00 mm H .197 inch5.00 mm nCorner Radius M Medium Feeds 010 .004 inch : : 040 .016 inch F a Blade z x c v b n m , GW B32 N A 2 F 60 C zSeries Description c Hand vBlade Geometry nSeat * Size 3 ,Coolant Hole N Neutral A Standard Type D .079 inch2.00 mm Standard Without Coolant HoleCWith Coolant Hole xBlade Size *2 bNo. of Corners F .118 inch3.00 mmmMax. Groove Depth B26B32 2 2 Corner G .157 inch4.00 mm3660 1.417 inch2.362 inch H .197 inch5.00 mm a Tool Block z x c v b n (Inch) GW TB N US12 B32 C (Metric) 2525 zSeries Description c Hand bBlade Size *4 nCoolant Hole N Neutral B26 Standard Without Coolant Hole B32 C With Coolant Hole xTool Block vShank Size (H x W) Inch Metric US12 .750" × .750" 2020 20 mm × 20 mm US16 1.000" × 1.000" 2525 25 mm × 25 mm ****1234 Select seat size with the same symbol as that of blade.Select blade size with the same symbol as that of tool block.Select seat size with the same symbol of the insert.Select blade size with the same symbol as that of blade. F231