GENERAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION n Recommended Machining Conditions Turning with TDT-E TT5100 ( P20 - P40 ) and TT7220 ( P25 - P45 ) Coated Carbide Grade Type Inserts P Steel Insert 3.00E-0.4 4.00E-0.8 5.00E-0.8 6.00E-0.8 6.00E-1.20 Feed (ipr) Materials Hardness .004 .006 .010 .006 .010 .016 .010 .016 .020 .010 .016 .022 .012 .018 .022Brinell HBCutting Speed (sfm) Carbon 0.2%C 150 640 591 459 689 574 361 607 443 344 640 443 344 656 492 410 Steel 0.45%C 190 591 541 427 656 525 328 558 394 262 591 394 262 591 410 328 0.83%C 250 558 509 410 623 492 295 541 344 246 558 344 246 492 361 279 ≤ 200 558 509 410 623 492 295 541 328 246 558 328 246 558 361 279 200 - 250 525 476 394 607 476 279 525 312 230 541 312 230 541 344 262 Alloy Steel 275 - 325 492 443 377 591 459 262 492 295 197 525 295 197 525 328 230 325 - 375 377 295 164 410 246 164 361 213 164 377 230 164 361 262 197 375 - 425 230 197 98 279 197 131 197 164 115 262 197 131 279 213 164 Mart 175 - 225 541 476 394 558 476 312 591 443 295 607 427 262 541 459 295 Stainless 275 - 325 410 377 295 427 377 279 492 361 279 525 361 230 492 377 279 Steel Aust 135 - 175 443 394 328 492 410 328 525 377 279 525 377 246 541 394 279 Carbon ≤ 150 427 377 328 443 377 262 410 295 246 427 312 230 443 344 262 Cast Steel 150 - 200 344 295 246 361 295 246 328 279 213 361 295 213 394 312 246 Alloyed 200 - 250 312 279 197 328 246 213 279 230 197 295 262 197 344 262 230 Turning with TDT-E Type Inserts K10 Uncoated Carbide Grade K Cast Iron N Nonferrous Materials Insert TDT-E K10 Feed (ipr) Materials Hardness .004 .006 .008Brinell HBCutting Speed (sfm) Malleable Short-chipping 110 - 145 459 361 295 Iron Long -chipping 200 - 250 443 344 262 Cast Low tensile, gray 180 525 344 262 Iron High tensile, gray, alloy 250 394 295 213 Nodular Ferritic 160 427 328 230 Iron Pearlitic 250 410 295 213 Chilled 400 66 49 - Cast Iron 600 49 33 - Bronze-Brass-Alloys: 120 - 200 427 344 230 Lead Alloy 80 - 150 591 558 541 Brass, Red Brass 60 - 110 459 443 410 Phosphor-Bronze 85 - 110 328 312 295 Aluminum Alloys: 150 - 200 787 722 656 Non-heat Treatable 30 - 80 2822 2723 2625 Heat Treatable 80 - 120 1083 1050 984 Aluminum Alloys, Cast 1148 1083 984 Magnesium 40 - 60HRB 1132 1050 919 60 - 90HRB 820 787 755 Electrolytic Copper 50 - 85 427 410 394 • For Grooving, reduce cutting speed by 20 - 30% 1363