Заказ инструмента: http://steelcam.org | 8 (343) 382-52-03 | sales@sverla-ekb.ru 7745VOD Technical Information End Mills & Face Mills 775VOD Technical Information Feed rate compensation: For 42° cutting, divide the hm value by the sine of the approach angle (the sine of 42° = 0,669) i.e.: hm or 0,08mm 0,669 0,669 = 0,12mm programmemed feed rate Calculation of the average chip thickness in relation with the ae (Radial Engagement) if ae is less than 50% of Dia. Formula: Programme Feed Rate (fz) hm = Average chip thickness Formula: Average Chip Thickness (hm) ae = Radial engagement fz = hm x d fz = Feed per tooth hm = fz x ae ae d = Cutter diameter d A86 www.kennametal.com