Заказ инструмента: http://steelcam.org | 8 (343) 382-52-03 | sales@sverla-ekb.ru 7745VT & 7760VT Series Chamfer Milling Cutter Chamfering 7745VT & 7760VT CHAMFER MILLING CUTTER 7745VT & 7760VT The cutter 7745VT11 is designed for removing heavy burrs and for machining small 45 degree chamfers. 7745VT11: Diameter Range = 16mm The cutter series 7745VT16 contains two different cutter versions. One version utilises two inserts for machining heavy chamfers. The other version utilises one insert and is particularly 7745VT16: qualified for spot drilling as well as for machining of small chamfers. Diameter Range = 20mm to 30mm The cutter series 7760VT contains two diameters, both for 60 degree chamfer milling. 7760VT: Diameter Range = 16mm to 25mm Due to a wide range of available geometries and grades all these cutters are suitable for machining all materials. www.kennametal.com A265