Заказ инструмента: http://steelcam.org | 8 (343) 382-52-03 | sales@sverla-ekb.ru 7702VRD07 Copy/Contour Milling Cutter d1 Product Dimensions (mm) Spares ap No. of Screw L EDP Item Description Da* L l1 d1 max Teeth EDP EDP Tightening Nm 7702VRD07 Weldon Shank Contour Mills I1 025691 7702VRD07WA016R50 16 98 50 16 3,5 2 015060 F2505T 018488 T7 0,80 025693 7702VRD07WA020R50 20 100 50 20 3,5 3 015060 F2505T 018488 T7 0,80 Da* = Outside Diameter Da* Weldon Shank Product Dimensions (mm) Spares M ap No. of Screw EDP Item Description Da* L M d1 max Teeth EDP EDP Tightening Nm 7702VRD07 Modular Head d1 030863 7702VRD07SA015R25 15 25 M8 8,5 3,5 2 015060 F2505T 018488 T7 0,80 Note: For Cylindrical shanks extensions in high density alloy with through coolant refer to page A76. Da* = Outside Diameter L Da* Modular Head 7702VR07 Technical Information (mm) Product Dimensions EDP Item Description Facing Ramping Helical Hole ap max Max Pitch Angle ° min. - max. Helical / RPM Linear Ramping Helical 025691 7702VRD07WA016R50 9 13.0 20 30 2,33 99000 Interpolation 025693 7702VRD07WA020R50 13 14.5 28 38 2,33 82500 030863 7702VRD07SA015R25 8 25.7 18 28 2,33 105000 Flat ap Facing Pitch Depth of Cut (ap) A218 www.kennametal.com