PositiveNegativePCD / CBN ApplicationFinishing tomedium cuttingMedium cuttingApplicationFinishingFinishing tomedium cutting 18º15º15º10º7º T6120T9125 T6130T9225 AH630T9235 AH645AH8015 AH120 AH725 AH8005GT9530 AH8015 AH905 NS9530 KS20 C : Continuous cutting Insert N E G AT I V E TYPE L : Light interrupted cuttingH : Heavy interrupted cutting WN P Steel L H LH H CL LMStainlessCLLHCLLCL RE S K Cast iron CL L CH Trigon, 80° N Non-ferrousSSuperalloy CHCLCCLLCH D1IC with hole H Hardmaterial Coated Uncoated Dimension (mm) Chipbreaker Designation RE IC S D1 HRM WNMG080404-HRM   0.4 12.7 4.76 5.16 WNMG080408-HRM   0.8 12.7 4.76 5.16 WNMG080412-HRM   1.2 12.7 4.76 5.16 0.25 HMM WNMG080404-HMM  0.4 12.7 4.76 5.16 WNMG080408-HMM  0.8 12.7 4.76 5.16 WNMG080412-HMM  1.2 12.7 4.76 5.16 0.25 SA WNMG080408-SA        0.8 12.7 4.76 5.16 WNMG080412-SA      1.2 12.7 4.76 5.16 C D E T YN P Steel LH LH H CL CLMStainlessL RES K Cast iron CL CLVRhombic, 25°NNon-ferrousSSuperalloyL D1IC with hole H Hardmaterial W Coated Coated cermet Cermet Dimension (mm) Chipbreaker Designation Y RE IC S D1 OTHERS ZF YNMG160404-ZF     YNMG160408-ZF  0.4 9.525 4.76 3.810.89.525 4.763.81 0.2 ZM YNMG160404-ZM       0.4 9.525 4.76 3.81 YNMG160408-ZM       0.8 9.525 4.76 3.81  : Line up Reference pages: WNMG... : External toolholder → 3-48, 3-49 YNMG... : External toolholder → 3-52 - 3-55 2-60