Grade CeramicPCDCBNCarbideCermetCoatedCarbideInsert Grades Polycrystalline Diamond Characteristic Values Work Material Grade Binder Carbon Content (%) Grain Size (μm) Hardness HK (GPa) TRS (GPa) Features Hard BrittleMaterial NPD10 — 100% diamond that directly binds nano-order diamond100up to 0.05120 to 130≈ 3.15particles with high strength. Demonstrates optimum wear andfracture resistance as well as the best edge sharpness. High-density sintered material made of ultra-fine grain diamond DA1000 Co 90 to 95 up to 0.5 50 to 60 ≈ 2.60 that demonstrates optimum wear and fracture resistance and excellent edge sharpness. Sintered material made of ultra-fine grain diamond that DA2200 Co 85 to 90 0.5 45 to 55 ≈ 2.45 demonstrates both wear and fracture resistance and excellentedge sharpness.A Non-Ferrous Metal DA150 Co 85 to 90 5 50 to 60 ≈ 1.95 Micro-grained sintered diamond particles with bothmachinability and wear resistance. DA90 Co 90 to 95 50 50 to 65 ≈ 1.10 Coarse sintered diamond particles, with high diamond contentfor excellent wear resistance. Transverse rupture strength measured with a test piece equivalent to the insert’s PCD layer SUMIDIA Series M2 SUMIDIA Binderless M4 A35