Заказ инструмента: http://steelcam.org Grade Selection 8 (343) 382-52-03 | sales@sverla-ekb.ru Stellram’s range of carbide and ceramic grades Introduction offer solutions to suit all material groups. Cutting Material Groups Uncoated Grade WEAR RESISTANCE TOUGHNESS GH1 Stellram’s uncoated GH1 grade is a micro-gain carbide offering excellent wear resistance at high cutting speeds, in various materials and applications. NL = CVD Coated Grades WEAR RESISTANCE TOUGHNESS NL200 NL250 NL300 NL400 NL920 The NL range of CVD coated grades with enhanced surface layering have been specifically developed and engineered to machine at elevated cutting conditions, in a broad range of materials. SP = PVD Coated Grades WEAR RESISTANCE TOUGHNESS SP0819 SP4019 These PVD coated grades can be applied to varying applications and materials, but primarily designed to machine stainless steels, and high temperature alloys. SA = Ceramic Grade WEAR RESISTANCE TOUGHNESS SA6609 SA6609 is an advanced silicon-carbide whisker reinforced ceramic grade, which makes it very resistant to edge facture and notch wear, especially when machining high nickel, and high cobalt based alloys. C24 www.kennametal.com