Заказ инструмента: http://steelcam.org 8 (343) 382-52-03 | sales@sverla-ekb.ru Positive Insert Geometries -X Inserts -X Geometry Technical Information ECMAX1l2uTm308iEnLium: <16A%luSmiinHiuBmN: <1161%6 Si HBN 116 Introduction ECMX422AL Medium to Roughing: The -X Geometry has a precision ground parallel chip groove, inch mm ECMX12T308EL available with a fully ground periphery or as pressed, both with a sharp edge condition. Ideal for the machining of components which have vibration sensitive applications. 0.255 6,50 Available in Grades: SP4019 & GH1 Materials Application 0.235 6,00 SP4019 Cutting Condition 0.216 5,50 P M K N S H ap (depth of cut) 4 4 8 0.180 4,50 GH1 P M K N S H Profile 0.160 4,00 0.138 3,50 0.118 3,00 0.100 2,50 ap (depth of cut) 0.080 2,00 -X 0.060 1,50 0.040 1,00 0.020 0,50 mm 0,10 0,20 0,30 0,40 0,50 0,60 inch 0.004 0.008 fn0.(0f1e2ed/re0v.)016 0.020 0.023 fn (feed/rev) Material Guide – Key to Recommended Inserts Material Designation PP Unalloyed Steels PP Alloyed Steels MM Stainless Steels MM PH Stainless KK Cast Irons NN Aluminum & Alloys SS High Temp. Alloys HH Hard Materials www.kennametal.com C23