FRACTIONAL Z-Carb-HPR Ap Series Ae Ae DC • in Z5, Z5CR Vc Fractional Hardness Ae x DC Ap x DC (sfm) 1/8 1/4 3/8 1/2 5/8 3/4 1 SUPER ALLOYS(NICKEL , COBALT, Profile ≤ 0.5≤ 300 Bhn RPM 2445 1222 815 611 489 407 306≤ 1.580(64-96)Fz0.000250.000680.001280.001700.001870.002040.00238Feed (ipm) IRON BASE) or Inconel 601, 617, 625, ≤ 32 HRc SlotIncoloy, Monel 4001 RPM 1986 993 662 497 397 331 248≤165(52-78)Fz0.000250.000680.001280.001700.001870.002040.00238 Feed (ipm) 2.5 3.4 4.2 4.2 3.7 3.4 3.0 ProfileSUPER ALLOYS(NICKEL, COBALT,IRON BASE)Inconel 718, X-750,Incoloy, Waspaloy,≤ 400 Bhnor≤ 43 HRcSlotHastelloy, Rene≤ 0.51RPM1895947632474379316237≤ 1.562(50-74)Fz0.000180.000480.000900.001200.001300.001400.00170Feed (ipm)≤150(40-60)Fz0.000180.000480.000900.001200.001300.001400.00170 Feed (ipm) 1.4 1.8 2.3 2.3 2.0 1.8 1.6 S Profile ≤ 0.5TITANIUM ALLOYSPure Ttanium, Ti6Al4V,Ti6Al2Sn4Zr2Mo,Ti4Al4Mo2Sn0.5Si≤ 350 Bhnor≤ 38 HRcSlot1RPM657032852190164313141095821≤ 1.5215(172-258)Fz0.00030.00080.00150.00200.00220.00240.0028Feed (ipm)9.913.116.416.414.513.111.5RPM51952598173212991039866649≤1170(136-204)Fz0.00030.00080.00150.00200.00220.00240.0028 Feed (ipm) 7.8 10.4 13.0 13.0 11.4 10.4 9.1 TITANIUM ALLOYS Profile(DIFFICULT)≤ 0.5Ti10Al2Fe3Al,Ti5Al5V5Mo3Cr,Ti7Al4Mo,Ti3Al8V6Cr4Zr4Mo,≤ 440 Bhnor≤ 47 HRcSlotTi6Al6V6Sn,1RPM22921146764573458382287≤ 1.575(60-90)Fz0.00030.00080.00150.00200.00220.00240.0028Feed (ipm)≤160(48-72)Fz0.00030.00080.00150.00200.00220.00240.0028 Ti15V3 Cr3Sn3Al Feed (ipm) 2.8 3.7 4.6 4.6 4.0 3.7 3.2 Profile ≤ 0.5 RPM 5654 2827 1885 1413 1131 942 707≤ 1.5185(148-222)Fz0.000280.00070.00140.00180.00200.00220.0026 TOOL STEELS ≤ 375 Bhn Feed (ipm) 7.9 9.9 13.2 12.7 11.3 10.4 9.2 H A2, D2, H13, L2, M2, or P20, S7, T15, W2 ≤ 40 HRc Slot 1 RPM 4431 2216 1477 1108 886 739 554≤1145(116-174)Fz0.000280.00070.00140.00180.00200.00220.0026 Feed (ipm) 6.2 7.8 10.3 10.0 8.9 8.1 7.2 Bhn (Brinell) HRc (Rockwell C) rpm = Vc x 3.82 / DC ipm = Fz x 5 x rpm ramp up to 5 degrees using slotting speed and feed rates. Do not plunge. reduce speed and feed for materials harder than listed reduce feed and Ae when finish milling (.02 x DC maximum) feed rates listed have chip thinning adjustments included where applicable refer to the SGS Tool Wizard® for complete technical information ( 34 END MILLS