Coatings Ti-NAMITE® and Di-NAMITE® Tool Coatings are specifically engineered for KSPT solid carbide rotary tools. The coating lineup includes proprietary processes that result in optimized tool life and increased speed and feed rates in a variety of applications. Coating Identifying LayerColorStructureThickness Hardness (HV) Coefficient of Friction (Fretting) Thermal Stability General Information TitaniumNitride(TiN) A general purpose coating withgoldMultilayer1–5microns22000.40–0.65600°C /1112°Fgood adhesion and abrasionresistant properties. Suitable fora wide variety of materials. Excellent thermal and chemical Aluminum resistance allows for dry cutting TitaniumNitridedarkgrey Nano 1–5structuremicrons37000.30 1100°C / and improvements in performance2010°Fof carbide. The coating has a high (AlTiN) hardness giving great protection against abrasive wear and erosion. This ceramic based coating ensures a smooth surface and TitaniumDiBoride(TiB2)light grey-silver Monolayer1–2microns40000.10–0.20850°C /1562°F a low affinity to cold weldingor edge build up, which makesit optimal for aluminum and copper applications. It has high toughness and high hardness. TitaniumCarbonitridepink-red(TiCN)Multilayer1–5microns A very wear resistant coating30000.30–0.45400°C /752°Fwith high toughness and shockresistance. Good in interrupted cutsfound in applications like milling. The structural design of Ti-Namite-X is adapted to meet a diverse range of applications; everything from high- and low- Proprietary(TX) black Nano 1–5Compositemicrons36000.45 1150°C / alloy steels to hardened materials2100°F(up to 65 HRC core hardness). Ti-Namite-X is suitable for operations which require high cutting speeds, high temperatures at the cutting edge, and high metal removal rates. This is the hardest coating available with the best abrasion resistance. CrystallineDiamond(Diamond)blackMonolayer 6–20microns>8000 0.15–0.20 800°C /1470°F It is carbon based so it is limited inapplication capabilities. This coatingis suitable for machining highly abrasive, non-ferrous materials such as CFRP and graphite. Features include high wear resistance, reduced friction, and excellent prevention of edge build Proprietary(TM)copper Nano 1–5Compositemicrons36000.45 1150°C / up. This coating provides superior2100°Fmaterial removal rates and tool life when used in high performance operations with difficult to machine materials like titanium. Other coatings available upon request. 15