Diameter (D1) Series 131N 5D Vc (mm) Metric Hardness (m/min) 3 6 8 10 12 14 16 244 RPM 25851 12926 9694 7755 6463 5540 4847 ALUMINUM ALLOYS ≤ 150 Bhn < 12% SI or Fr 0.133 0.265 0.354 0.442 0.531 0.619 0.708 6061, 2024, 7075 ≤ 7 HRc (195-293) Feed (mm/min) 3430 3430 3430 3430 3430 3430 3430 183 RPM 19388 9694 7271 5816 4847 4155 3635 ALUMINUM ALLOYS ≤ 125 Bhn > 12% SI or Fr 0.131 0.262 0.349 0.437 0.524 0.611 0.699 A356.0, 390.0, 319.0 ≤ 77 HRb (146-219) Series 131N 5XD Feed (mm/min) 2540 2540 2540 2540 2540 2540 2540 N 168 RPM 17773 8886 6665 5332 4443 3808 3332 COPPER ALLOYS ≤ 175 Bhn Alum Bronze, Muntz or Fr 0.049 0.097 0.130 0.162 0.194 0.227 0.259 Brass, Navel Brass ≤ 16 HRc (134-201) Feed (mm/min) 864 864 864 864 864 864 864 137 RPM 14541 7271 5453 4362 3635 3116 2726 PLASTICS Acrylic, PVC, Fr 0.059 0.119 0.158 0.198 0.238 0.277 0.317 Polypropylene (110-165) Feed (mm/min) 864 864 864 864 864 864 864 | Note: Speed & Feed Recommendations • Bhn (Brinell) HRc (Rockwell C) HRb (Rockwell B) • rpm = (Vc x 1000) / (D1 x 3.14) www.sgstoolwizard.com • mm/min = Fr x rpm • reduce speed and feed for materials harder than listed • refer to the KYOCERA SGS Tool Wizard for complete technical information (www.kyocera-sgstool.com) www.kyocera-sgstool.com 35