ISO13399Property SymbolsContent RER Corner radius right hand RMPX Ramping angle maximum RPMX Rotational speed maximum S Insert thickness S1 Insert thickness total SC Insert shape code SDL Step diameter length SIG Point angle SSC Insert seat size code SX Shank cross section shape code TC Tolerance class insert TCE Tipped cutting edge code TCTR Thread tolerance class TD Thread diameter THFT Thread form type THL Threading length THLGTH Thread length THSC Tool holder shape code THUB Hub thickness TP Thread pitch TPI Threads per inch TPIN Threads per inch minimum TPIX Threads per inch maximum TPN Thread pitch minimum TPT Thread profile type TPX Thread pitch maximum TQ Torque TSYC Tool style code TTP Thread type ULDR Usable length diameter ratio UST Unit system W1 Insert width WEP Wiper edge property WF Functional width WF2 Distance between the cutting reference point and the front seating surface of a turning tool WFS Functional width secondary WT Weight of item ZEFF Face effective cutting edge count ZEFP Peripheral effective cutting edge count ZNC Cutting edge center count ZNF Face mounted insert count ZNP Peripheral mounted insert count LIST OF REFERENCE SYMBOLS COMPLYING WITH ISO13399 ISO13399Reference SymbolsContent P CIP Coordinate system in process CRP Cutting reference point CSW Coordinate system work material side MCS Mounting coordinate system PCS Primary coordinate system P005 TECHNICAL DATA