TECHNICAL DATA LIST OF PROPERTY SYMBOLS COMPLYING WITH ISO13399 ISO13399Property SymbolsContent IIC Insert interface code INSL Insert length KAPR Tool cutting edge angle KCH Corner chamfer angle KRINS Cutting edge angle major KWL Keyway length KWW Keyway width KYP Keyway property L Cutting edge length LAMS Inclination angle LB Body length LBB Chip breaker width LBX Body length maximum LCCB Counterbore depth connection bore LCF Length chip flute LDRED Reduced body diameter length LE Cutting edge effective length LF Functional length LFA A dimension on lf LH Head length LPR Protruding length LS Shank length LSC Clamping length LSCN Clamping length minimum LSCX Clamping length maximum LTA LTA length (length from MCS to CRP) LU Usable length LUX Usable length maximum M M-dimension M2 Distance between the nominal inscribed circle and the corner of an insert that has the secondary included angle MHA Mounting hole angle MHD Mounting hole distance MHH Mounting hole height MIID Master insert identification MTP Clamping type code NCE Cutting end count NOF Flute count NOI Insert index count NT Tooth count OAH Overall height OAL Overall length OAW Overall width PDPT Profile depth insert PDX Profile distance ex PDY Profile distance ey PFS Profile style code PL Point length PNA Profile included angle P PSIRPSIRL Tool lead angleCutting edge angle major left hand PSIRR Cutting edge angle major right hand RAL Relief angle left hand RAR Relief angle right hand RCP Rounded corner property RE Corner radius REL Corner radius left hand P004 TECHNICAL DATA