INDEXABLE MILLING Stock Number of Teeth Class VP15TF AP10H MB710 L8 CBDP LF BS L8L8 CBDPCBDP LFLFBS INDEXABLE MILLING VERTICAL FEED MILLING PMF ø50 DCSFMS ø63 DCSFMSDCONDCONKWWKWW P M K N S H Steel Cast Iron DCCB DCCB DC DC ø80 DCSFMS DCON KWW DAH DC Metric Standard Right hand tool holder only. Max. *2 *2 z x Dimensions (mm) Allowable Revolution Order Number (min-1) R DC LF DCON CBDP DAH DCCB KWW L8 DCSFMS BalanceUnknownBGal4a0nc*e1dCartridgeInsertScrewRadialScrew Set Bolt (Cartridge) Wrench Wrench Set Bolt Insert PMF05004A22R a 4 50 63 22 20 ─ 12 10.4 6.3 48 6300 12700 PMFA13R TS254 TSS04005 HBH06012 TKY08F HKY40RHKY50R zHDS10031 TPEW PMF06306A22R a 6 63 63 22 20 ─ 18 10.4 6.3 60 5000 10100 PMFA13R TS254 TSS04005 HBH06012 TKY08F HKY40R xHSC10050 1303 PMF08008A27R a 8 80 50 27 23 13.5 ─ 12.4 7 75 3900 7900 PMFA13R TS254 TSS04005 HBH06012 TKY08F HKY40R xHSC12035 ZPpR2 **12 You need to balance the tool and holder together so Clamp Torque (lbf-in) : TS254=8.9, HBH06012=8.5 that it confirms to G40 or higher standards. INSERTS Work P Steel Cutting Conditions (Guide) : Material K Cast Iron : Stable Cutting : General Cutting : Unstable Cutting Coated CBN Dimensions (mm) Shape Order Number Geometry IC LE S BS TPEW1303ZPER2 E a a 7.94 ─ 3.18 2 LE L * TPEW1303ZPTR2 E a 7.94 1.5 3.18 2 * MB710 IC S RECOMMENDED CUTTING CONDITIONS Work Material Hardness Grade Cutting Speed Feed per Tooth(SFM)(inch/tooth)Work Material Hardness Grade Cutting Speed Feed per Tooth(SFM)(inch/tooth) P 180 ─ 280HBCarbon Steel VP15TF 820(490 ─1150) .004 K Tensile Strength AP10H 820(490 ─ 1150) .004Dactile< 500MPaMB7103280(2625 ─ 3940)(.002 ─.006) Alloy Steel 280 ─ 380HB VP15TF 655(330 ─985) (.0019─.006) Cast Iron Tensile Strength AP10H 655(330 ─ 985) .004< 800MPaMB7103280(2625 ─ 3940)(.002 ─.006) K Gray Tensile Strength AP10H 1150(655 ─ 1640) .004 Cast Iron < 350MPa MB710 4920(3280 ─ 6560) (.0019─.006) Note 1) Recommended radial depth of cut is .004" to .008"(1 ─ 2 mm). Note 2) Up and down vertical cutting is recommended for efficiency. Note 3) For crossfeed cutting, feed per tooth should be reduced to less than .002 (inch/tooth). a : USA Stock s : Stocked in Japan L290 <10 inserts in one case>