INDEXABLE MILLING CLASSIFICATION (SCREW-IN TOOLS) Product Name · Shape APMX Features CutterDia. Work Material Page ASX400 a Economical due to the use of 4 cutting edges. a Low resistance due to the 3D design of the curved cutting edge. .394" a Curved cutting edge and high rigidity holder.a Max. depth of cut .394".Ø32 mmØ40 mm L084 90° KAPR APX3000 a Air / coolant through. a Low resistance insert and high rigidity body. a Ideal chip control. Ø.625" .394" a High wall accuracy can be produced by using this | L102 cutter and unique insert geometry. Ø1.375" 90° KAPR APX4000 a Air / coolant through. a Low resistance insert and high rigidity body. a Ideal chip control. Ø1.000" .591" a High wall accuracy can be produced by using this | L115 cutter and unique insert geometry. Ø1.375" 90° KAPR AQX a Air / coolant through. a The center bottom cutting edge enables drilling 7.4 mm and end milling without prepared hole. Ø16 mm | | L199 18.0 mm Ø40 mm 90° KAPR VPX200 a Special designed insert with 4 cutting edges. a High precision, high quality insert cutting edge with finishing blade. Ø.625" .315" a With through coolant holes. | L125 Ø1.500" 90° KAPR VPX300 a Special designed insert with 4 cutting edges. a High precision, high quality insert cutting edge with finishing blade. Ø1.000" .433" a With through coolant holes. | L141 Ø1.500" L 90° KAPR AJX a 13°, 15° positive insert. a Air / coolant through. .039" a High rigidity due to double clamp structure. Ø.625" | a Suitable for high feed cutting. | L209 .079" a Special designed insert with the use of 3 cutting Ø1.375" edges. ARP a Air / coolant through. a Round Insert Cutter for Difficult-to-cut Material. .197" a High run-out accuracy when indexing inserts. Ø1.000" | a Solid clamping system. | L241 .236" Ø1.500" R KAPR L014 INDEXABLE MILLING