Product Name · Shape APMX Features CutterDia. Work Material Page SRF a S-shaped cutting edge provides sharpness similarto that of solid ball nose end mills. a Highly accurate corner radius tolerance allows for Ø.375" ─ high precision finishing. | L262 a Carbide shank type available. Ø1.260" R KAPR SUF a Highly accurate corner radius tolerance allows forhigh precision finishing. .060" a Seamless gash. Ø.394" | | L262 .205" Ø1.250" R KAPR SRM2 a Air / coolant through.a Suitable for roughing to semi-finishing of small .625" and medium molds. Ø.625" | a High rigidity body design. | L274 1.732" a Low resistance chipbreaker. Ø1.250" R a Key type clamp. KAPR a Shrink fit ready. SRM2 &40/&50(&1.575"/&1.969") a Best for roughing of molds.a Low resistance chipbreaker.2.126"a Highly rigid body.Ø40 mm(Ø1.575")2.480"Ø50 mmL286 R (Ø1.969") KAPR CFSP a Excellent sharpness with 11°positive inserts.a 45°chamfer series. Ø.313" .327" | L260 45° Ø1.250" KAPR PMF a 2 directional cutting with large overhang.a No burring so no need for hand finishing. a High precision multi directional insert ensures Ø50 mm 0.1 mm highly accurate surfaces. | L290 Ø80 mm PMR a 1 directional cutting with large overhang.a Unique shape of curved edge gives high rigidity L and low resistance. Ø50 mm 11 mm | L291 Ø80 mm L013 INDEXABLE MILLING