SQUAREBALLRADIUSTAPERCHAMFERROUGHINGEXCHANGEABLE HEAD END MILLS iMX-S3A Square head, 3 flute, For aluminum alloy, Oversize type head CARBIDE RECOMMENDED CUTTING CONDITIONS y Shoulder Milling (inch) Aluminum Alloy Work Material L/D DC(mm)(inch)Revolutionn(min-1)Feed Ratevf(IPM)Depth of CutWidth of Cutapae 12 .4720 13000 181.1 .378 .094 14 .5510 11000 153.5 .441 .110 3 18 .7090 8800 157.5 .567 .142 22 .8660 7200 149.6 .693 .173 28 1.1020 5700 141.7 .882 .220 12 .4720 8000 86.6 .378 .039 14 .5510 6800 70.9 .441 .043 5 18 .7090 5300 74.8 .567 .055 22 .8660 4300 70.9 .693 .071 28 1.1020 3400 66.9 .882 .087 12 .4720 5300 51.2 .378 .020 14 .5510 4500 43.3 .441 .024 7 18 .7090 3500 47.2 .567 .028 22 .8660 2900 39.4 .693 .035 28 1.1020 2300 39.4 .882 .043 ae Depth of Cut ap Note 1) Vibration may occur if the rigidity of machine or work material is low. In this case, please reduce the revolution and the feed rate proportionately, or set a lower depth of cut. Note 2) The use of water-soluble coolant is effective. J J021