SQUAREBALLRADIUSTAPERCHAMFERROUGHINGEXCHANGEABLE HEAD END MILLS EXCHANGEABLE HEAD END MILLS iMX-S3A Square head, 3 flute, For aluminum alloy CARBIDE RECOMMENDED CUTTING CONDITIONS Other than the L/D = 3, use following recommended cutting conditions by multiplying the J003 page correction factor by overhang length. y Shoulder Milling (L/D=3) (inch) y Slot Milling (L/D=3) (inch) Aluminum Alloy Aluminum Alloy Work Work Material Material DC Revolutionn(mm)(inch)(min-1)Feed Ratevf(IPM)Depth of CutWidth of CutapaeDC Revolutionn(mm)(inch)(min-1)Feed Ratevf(IPM)Depth of Cutap .3750 17000 234.6 .300 .113 .3750 17000 137.7 .188 10 .3937 16000 220.8 .315 .118 10 .3937 16000 129.6 .197 12 .4724 13000 179.4 .378 .142 12 .4724 13000 109.2 .236 .5000 13000 179.4 .400 .150 .5000 13000 109.2 .250 .6250 10000 180.0 .500 .188 .6250 10000 111.0 .313 16 .6299 9900 178.2 .504 .189 16 .6299 9900 109.9 .315 .7500 8400 173.9 .600 .225 .7500 8400 108.4 .375 20 .7874 8000 165.6 .630 .236 20 .7874 8000 103.2 .394 25 .9843 6400 159.4 .787 .295 25 .9843 6400 96.0 .492 1.0000 6300 156.9 .800 .300 1.0000 6300 94.5 .500 ae DC Depth of Cut ap Depth of Cut ap DC = Dia. y Plunging (L/D=3) (inch) Aluminum Alloy Work Material J DC Revolutionn(mm)(inch)(min-1)Feed Ratevf(IPM)Depth of CutapStep Feedap2 .3750 10000 39.0 .188 .10 10 .3937 9600 37.4 .197 .10 12 .4724 8000 31.2 .236 .10 .5000 7500 29.3 .250 .10 .6250 6000 23.4 .313 .10 16 .6299 6000 23.4 .315 .10 .7500 5000 19.5 .375 .10 20 .7874 4800 18.7 .394 .10 25 .9843 3800 14.8 .492 .10 1.0000 3800 14.8 .500 .10 Depth of Cut ap Note 1) Vibration may occur if the rigidity of machine or work material is low. In this case, please reduce the revolution and the feed rate proportionately, or set a lower depth of cut. Note 2) The use of water-soluble coolant is effective. J020