SQUAREBALLRADIUSTAPERCHAMFERROUGHINGEXCHANGEABLE HEAD END MILLS iMX-S4HV Square head, 4 flute, Irregular helix, Long cutting edge type CARBIDE RECOMMENDED CUTTING CONDITIONS y Shoulder Milling (inch) Carbon Steel, Alloy Steel, Mild Steel, Pre-hardened Steel, Carbon Steel, Austenitic Stainless Steel, Work Copper, Copper AlloyMaterial Alloy Steel, Alloy Tool Steel Ferritic and Martensitic Stainless Steel,Titanium Alloy L/D DC(mm)Revolutionn(min-1)Feed Rate vf (IPM) Depth of Cut Width of Cut ap aeRevolutionn(min-1)Feed Rate vf (IPM) Depth of Cut Width of Cut ap aeRevolutionn(min-1)Feed Rate vf (IPM) Depth of Cut Width of Cut ap ae 16 2000 28.0 1.260 .031 1600 17.9 1.260 .031 1200 14.9 1.260 .031 4 20 1600 22.4 1.575 .039 1300 14.6 1.575 .039 950 11.8 1.575 .039 6 16 1200 13.4 1.260 .031 990 8.0 1.260 .031 790 7.6 1.260 .031 20 950 10.6 1.575 .039 800 6.4 1.575 .039 630 6.0 1.575 .039 ae Depth of Cut ap Precipitation Hardening Stainless Steel, Heat Resistant Alloy Work Cobalt Chromium Alloy Material Inconel718 L/D DC(mm)Revolutionn(min-1)Feed Rate vf (IPM) Depth of Cut Width of Cut ap aeRevolutionn(min-1)Feed Rate vf (IPM) Depth of Cut Width of Cut ap ae 4 16 1000 11.2 1.260 .031 610 4.9 1.260 .016 20 800 9.0 1.575 .039 490 3.9 1.575 .020 6 1620 610490 4.9 1.260 .031 3903.91.575.0393202.5 1.260 .0162.01.575.020 ae Depth of Cut ap J Note 1) The irregular helix flute end mill has a larger effect on controlling vibration when compared to standard end mills. However, if the rigidity of the machine or the work material installation is poor, vibration or abnormal sound can occur. In this case, please reduce the revolution and the feed rate proportionately, or set a lower depth of cut. Note 2) If the depth of cut is smaller, the revolution and the feed rate can be increased. Note 3) L/D will be +1 when using a long cutting edge type head. Note 4) For stainless steel, titanium alloy and heat resistant alloy, the use of water-soluble coolant is effective. J015