PRODUCTIVITY TIPS GENERAL APPLICATION INFORMATION QuadDrills are One-Effective. Indexable Chip Control. Chip control is essential for Through the tool water base or synthetic coolant drills are one-effective cutting geometry indexable drilling. Proper chip control directly is strongly recommended. regardless of the number of inserts in the tool. enhances chip evacuation, which extends tool This is extremely important when establishing life and improves hole tolerance and finish (see feeds and speeds for a given operation. Fig. 2). Do not operate indexable drills over 1:1 diameter to length ratios with air, air Rigidity. A high degree of rigidity of the Large, long chips will restrict the flutes’ capacity mist or dry. Running drills under those machine and fixturing is critical for indexable to evacuate chips, and cause insert chipping and conditions can result in drill failure. drilling. possible drill failure. Spindle Rigidity. If the spindle is not tight or Operating parameters should be adjusted to properly adjusted, the drill will cut off-center, fall within recommended guidelines to achieve producing oversize holes. Insert chipping or optimum form or figure”9” chips that can low tool life may also result and hole finish will successfully evacuate along the drill flutes. be affected. Coolant. In drilling, heat and chips are Fixture Rigidity. Workpiece strength is essential. generated in a confined area at the bottom of Flimsy or inadequately supported workpieces the hole. Coolant must be used as a carrier to will render indexable drills virtually ineffective. extract heat and chips from the bottom of the hole, along the drill flutes and out of the hole. Fig. 2: Chip Formation Optimum form Too tight: Increase speed within Too long: May clog drill flutes. recommended limit. Reduce speed or increase feed If unsatisfactory, decrease feed. within recommended limits. HOLE TOLERANCE Drilling Depth Hole Tolerance (inch) 2xD + .008 / - .004 3xD + .010 / - .004 4xD + .012 / - .004 5xD + .016 / - .004 685