RIGIDITY ANALYSIS Integral Shank: An improvement over the straight shank adaption is an integral shank. This eliminates the joints required with rotary Centering Plug tool holders and greatly improves length-to- diameter ratios. Many standard Ingersoll end mills are available with No. 50 taper adaptors. Other tapers are available upon request. No. 50 tapers have a standard .125” gap between the flange and spindle face. To eliminate the gap, many Ingersoll machines have a simultaneous fit adaptor designed to be used in conjunction with a precision spindle face. Because the adaptor flange has bearing on the spindle face, the joint is more rigid. Flat Back Drive: Another way to eliminate the .125” gap is to use a flat back drive system. It consists of a centering plug with a pilot diameter on the spindle. The end mill is bolted directly to the spindle face. This adaption Best: Flat Back Drive is often used for large, heavy-duty end mill operations requiring maximum rigidity. HSK Adaption: The HSK tool holder is designed to provide simultaneous fit on both the spindle face and the spindle taper. At high speeds, centrifugal force causes the spindle to grow slightly. The face contact prevents the tool from moving up the bore. The hollow shank design is also susceptible to centrifugal force but is designed to grow with the spindle bore at very high speeds. I.D. clamping actually tightens its grip as spindle speed increases. Best: HSK Adaption Supporting the cutting tool and holder in both the axial and radial planes creates a significantly more rigid connection between the tool and spindle. Moreover, HSK end mill holders are available Other HSK advantages include lighter weight, in a variety of clamping styles including shrink lower deflection under load, extremely fit for solid carbide shanks; hydraulic for steel accurate repeatability, increased torque shanks, collet, and Weldon styles. Choose the transfer capabilities, and significantly improved most rigid and accurate assembly possible. dynamic runout over 50-taper adaptions at high speeds. 311